The world is filled with givers and takers. Sometimes it seems like there are more "takers" than givers. Even though Jesus is quoted as saying, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," the predominate attitude of our society is entitlement, people thinking that they are entitled to receive. All through the Word we see this division, this fork in the road, where people are called to make a wise choice. Whosoever will.
Unfortunately, fallen human nature is prone to choose the way of the flesh, which Romans 8 points out leads to death. God sets before us life and death, and even tells us to choose life, but in the words of Jesus, "wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it." (Matthew 7:14) Jesus confronted this "I will do it my way" attitude in the Pharisees saying He came to give sight to the blind, but because they claimed to see, they were really blind. Human nature suffers from the same selfish pride that caused Satan to fall.
One of the most repeated admonitions of Jesus in the Gospels is "Let him who has ears to hear, hear." Isaiah points out the rebellious people will see and not see, hear and not hear. Self-righteous people seem to always find an excuse or someone else to blame, rather than humbling themselves to admit "I was wrong." The blood of Jesus covers all sin and removes all unrighteousness, but it does not cover excuses.
There is a simple answer to the problem, which makes all the difference. James points out that the Word of God is a mirror, not a window to view others, which when one looks into the mirror as the perfect law of liberty and does it, he is blessed. Whether we build our house on the sand or on the rock is determined by our hearing the Word and doing it. Therefore, my encouragement today is to humbly read the Word, to receive it with meekness so that God's thoughts and ways replace our own selfish choices. In short, simply do it. The Holy Spirit is always willing to guide and teach us if we are willing to listen and obey.
In the world of givers and takers, remember that God loves a cheerful giver. Whatever a man sows, he will surely reap.
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