Sunday, May 28, 2023

School is Out!

 Yes, classes may be out for the kids, but the real school for all of us is never out.  The Holy Spirit continues to faithfully teach us and show us all things.  His priority, of course, is to reveal Jesus and His Word so that we know Him.  Jesus points out in John 17 that eternal life is knowing God and His Son whom He has sent, which may be why the early church catechism declares the purpose of life is to know and serve Him.  In the days ahead this will be even more vital as Daniel 11:32 points out, that in the end-times, "those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits."  

In Psalm 16, the truth of inheriting a relationship with and knowing God is stated in verse 5, "O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup" followed by David's understanding and description of this special gift, "Yes, I have a good inheritance."  This revelation that God has given us Himself as our portion reminds us of the Levites, who were not given any land in Israel.  Instead, Joshua 18 states, "The Lord is their inheritance."  As Jesus has made us priests and kings, knowing Him is our true inheritance. 

Men on the earth strive for riches, fame, and selfish gain, but everyone knows that heaven and earth will pass away and no man will be able to keep what he has acquired.  Jim Elliot's powerful saying states this truth well, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.  Jesus also warned that treasures on the earth were subject to moth and rust and thieves, so our goal must be to rather "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven."  The greatest treasure is a strong relationship with your creator and the maker of the universe, with the One who willing gave His all for you, so you can enjoy the amazing fellowship with the Father and Jesus that has been purchased for us. 

Psalm 16 summarizes the fruit of this lasting, ultimate relationship.  "Therefore, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices, my flesh also will rest in hope." and finally, "In your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." 

School is not out, but God does have various seasons.  One may be in a time of classes, a time of rest, a time of transition, however, the Holy Spirit is committed to be the master teacher, and all He needs is a willing, teachable student.  Your time in school with the Holy Spirit to learn the ways of the Lord and to come to know Him is now.  Hear Him. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Fire to Never Go Out

In presenting the "Final Charge" to our high school graduates, the Lord led me to share a story about the Moravian Christians.  Because they were being persecuted, they fled to Count Zinzendorf in Herrnhut, Germany for refuge.  Unfortunately, there were many scars and much division in the camp.  Zinzendorf cried out to God for direction, reconciliation, and revival.  God gave him a word from Leviticus 6:13, "Fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out."   

This "Fire" Word brought about much healing, repentance, and restoration which ignited a prayer meeting in 1727 that lasted for over 100 years.  The ramifications produced much fruit that ultimately changed many parts of the world.  Two of the young Moravian men from this gathering were concerned about the souls of the African slaves on the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix in the Danish West Indies.  However, the only way they could go to share the Gospel with them was to become slave workers, so they chose to sell themselves to the slave owner and became slaves.  As their ship pulled away from the docks, they called out to their loved ones on the shore, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive the reward of His suffering!"  

The "fire on the altar that must never go out" is our laying our lives down because He is worthy.  When our eyes are opened we will see His worthiness and join heaven in crying, "Holy, holy, holy.  Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world."  However, by faith and the Word of God it is revealed now to us that He is worthy.  Worthy to receive the reward of His suffering.  Worthy of every sacrifice, every laying down every misunderstanding, every extra effort to love and forgive completely.  Our example of love, Jesus, demonstrated and declared that no greater love has anyone than to lay his life down for his friends.  Therefore, everything we do out of love for Him, and to let this love motivate us to care for others around us, pleases Him.  In short, He is worthy of it all is our fire.  

May He receive the reward of His suffering in what we do and think today.  Never let the fire go out. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Present, Past, and Future

Death and life is set before you. We can choose life even in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death. Because we have attended three funerals of saints of God who were friends of ours in the past two weeks, many reflective thoughts are racing through my heart and mind.  Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.  Why is it precious?  The obvious reason is that He longs for us to share His love and glory forever with Him.  Perhaps it is also because it is a holy time of reflection, past, present, and future.

Past, because we tend to reflect on all the special times and ways this person has impacted our lives.  We note the characteristics that made this person unique.  Maybe most important, we have the open opportunity to remember the good and forgive and forget the shortcomings.  It is a time to let go of hurt and disappointments, and instead choose to give thanks for the blessing the person was in our lives.  God's comfort is real and yet it may take some time to let the hope of resurrection overcome our grief and loss.  God even gave the Israelites 30 days to make this heart adjustment with the death of Moses.  

Present, because it is a special time where people pause for a moment in their normal routine to show respect for the value of the life of the person who passed.  We also tend to "be there" for others in order to extend comfort and support at this time of loss.  Family and friends can unite in an atmosphere of love and acceptance with a genuine concern for each other.  Peace overcomes striving and petty differences.  God blesses unity, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity."  

Future, because most people are confronted with the fact that death is a reality, and the need to consider what will happen to them when their time comes.  Often God awakens even worldly people to look at what is the purpose of life.  This "special" time is precious to God as people humbly take inventory of their own lives and their relationship with God and others.  At a recent funeral service, it was my privilege to review Romans 10 and how to accept Jesus's death and resurrection for our sins, and then lead those who wanted to confess Jesus as Lord in a simple prayer.  Only God knows the hearts of those who used this precious milestone to give their life to Jesus or to renew their commitment to Him.  Nothing on earth is more precious than coming to know Jesus. 

A simple prayer based on Romans 10.  "Thank you, Jesus, for loving me and dying for my sins.  I believe you rose from the dead, having paid the total price for my offences.  Because you love me that much and willingly gave your life for me, I willingly choose to confess with my lips, that you, Jesus, are my Lord.  I repent of living my way and choose to set my heart to love and follow You as Lord by keeping Your Word."  God promises anyone who believes in his heart Jesus was raised from the dead and confesses with his lips, the Lord Jesus, will be saved. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Givers and Takers

The world is filled with givers and takers.  Sometimes it seems like there are more "takers" than givers.  Even though Jesus is quoted as saying, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," the predominate attitude of our society is entitlement, people thinking that they are entitled to receive.  All through the Word we see this division, this fork in the road, where people are called to make a wise choice.  Whosoever will.  

Unfortunately, fallen human nature is prone to choose the way of the flesh, which Romans 8 points out leads to death.  God sets before us life and death, and even tells us to choose life, but in the words of Jesus, "wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it." (Matthew 7:14)  Jesus confronted this "I will do it my way" attitude in the Pharisees saying He came to give sight to the blind, but because they claimed to see, they were really blind.  Human nature suffers from the same selfish pride that caused Satan to fall.  

One of the most repeated admonitions of Jesus in the Gospels is "Let him who has ears to hear, hear."  Isaiah points out the rebellious people will see and not see, hear and not hear.  Self-righteous people seem to always find an excuse or someone else to blame, rather than humbling themselves to admit "I was wrong."  The blood of Jesus covers all sin and removes all unrighteousness, but it does not cover excuses. 

There is a simple answer to the problem, which makes all the difference.  James points out that the Word of God is a mirror, not a window to view others, which when one looks into the mirror as the perfect law of liberty and does it, he is blessed.  Whether we build our house on the sand or on the rock is determined by our hearing the Word and doing it.  Therefore, my encouragement today is to humbly read the Word, to receive it with meekness so that God's thoughts and ways replace our own selfish choices.  In short, simply do it.  The Holy Spirit is always willing to guide and teach us if we are willing to listen and obey. 

In the world of givers and takers, remember that God loves a cheerful giver.  Whatever a man sows, he will surely reap.