In presenting the "Final Charge" to our high school graduates, the Lord led me to share a story about the Moravian Christians. Because they were being persecuted, they fled to Count Zinzendorf in Herrnhut, Germany for refuge. Unfortunately, there were many scars and much division in the camp. Zinzendorf cried out to God for direction, reconciliation, and revival. God gave him a word from Leviticus 6:13, "Fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out."
This "Fire" Word brought about much healing, repentance, and restoration which ignited a prayer meeting in 1727 that lasted for over 100 years. The ramifications produced much fruit that ultimately changed many parts of the world. Two of the young Moravian men from this gathering were concerned about the souls of the African slaves on the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix in the Danish West Indies. However, the only way they could go to share the Gospel with them was to become slave workers, so they chose to sell themselves to the slave owner and became slaves. As their ship pulled away from the docks, they called out to their loved ones on the shore, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive the reward of His suffering!"
The "fire on the altar that must never go out" is our laying our lives down because He is worthy. When our eyes are opened we will see His worthiness and join heaven in crying, "Holy, holy, holy. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world." However, by faith and the Word of God it is revealed now to us that He is worthy. Worthy to receive the reward of His suffering. Worthy of every sacrifice, every laying down every misunderstanding, every extra effort to love and forgive completely. Our example of love, Jesus, demonstrated and declared that no greater love has anyone than to lay his life down for his friends. Therefore, everything we do out of love for Him, and to let this love motivate us to care for others around us, pleases Him. In short, He is worthy of it all is our fire.
May He receive the reward of His suffering in what we do and think today. Never let the fire go out.
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