In John 6, Jesus declares that those who hear His Word, and believe the Father who sent Him, do not come into judgment, but pass out of death into life. Two things from this statement catch our attention: one, those who don't hear the truth or refuse to believe in God's plan that Jesus died and was raised to save them, are still dead and will be judged. Two, we who believe have passed out of death into life. In simple terms, we are resurrected with Him and now enjoy and participate in His fullness of life forever. Hosanna!
On the other hand, we recall in Luke 9, when the man wanted to follow Jesus but also wanted to go bury his father first, and that Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead. Follow Me." Jesus called unbelievers "dead." Or in the pivotal John 3:16 verse, that those who believe in Him should not perish. Our darkened minds do not grasp the truth that man has fallen and that God's words to Adam and Eve are still true, "if you eat of this fruit, you shall surely die." Man, because of sin, is already condemned and will perish unless Someone saves him.
Romans 5:18 states this fact and exchange clearly, "Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life."
When I was a kid and someone said, "Isn't it great that God saved us?" my response was, "Yes, would you pass the potatoes?" In other words, I had no concept of what my condition was and how great His rescue of me was. The closer we get to knowing God's heart and His mercy, the more we realize what an awesome feat Jesus accomplished by taking all men's sins upon Himself and shedding His own blood to completely pay for our sin. No wonder Psalm 21:6 says we are "most blessed" forever. With this realization, today is a good day to exclaim with the crowd, "Hosanna! (which means God, save us) Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest!
God has abundantly shown His love for each of us. As we realize we have passed from death to life (John 6:24), have no condemnation (Romans 8:1), and participate in the very nature of God (2 Peter 1:4) forever, how can we make any other response than what is revealed in Revelation 19, "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and honor belong to the Lord our God!"
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