Jesus identified completely with man, taking our nature,
going through the natural steps of living as a human on earth, and then, in
loving surrender and amazement taking on all our sin and its deadly
consequence. The awesome Good News is
that because of His identifying with fallen man, we can now by faith identify
completely with His nature, being born-again into children of God, seated at
the right hand of God with Him, and ruling as kings forever!
Hallelujah! He is risen! Jesus not only became man but identified with all the sin, impending judgment, and consequential eternal death that our rebellion justly deserved. Through His suffering and death all men's sins have been completely paid for and then the powerful resurrection demonstrates that all the consequences are overcome.
Because He lives, we can now share His resurrected life today and forever. In chapel this week our message was that He forgave our sins (past), gave us a purpose for living (present), and promised divine life forever with Him in Heaven (future). What Jesus accomplished is more than we could ever think, ask, or imagine.
In addition, He invites us to identify with the eternal rewards that He earned by humbly submitting Himself to the Father's will. By faith we identify with His death as we acknowledge He died for us. By baptism, we, our old sinful nature, are buried with Him, and in receiving His Spirit, we now are filled with power and love to be His light in the world. We know God as our "Abba Father," our purpose and His provision through His Word, and the Holy Spirit within bears witness to His life in us while on earth and in the ages to come. Praise God Forever!
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