Sunday, April 30, 2023


Do you know the truth?  Is the truth in your heart a solid enough foundation that you can afford to rejoice in all circumstances?  

Recently I have been aware of and so thankful that I know the truth, the truth about God, about Jesus' death and resurrection in my behalf, and the truth of God's Word which declares my glorious future.  As Psalm 138 reminds us that it is right to give God glory for revealing His truth, as we "praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth."  As John 1:17 declares, "For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."  

Jesus, when He was being examined by Pilate, said that He came to bear witness to the truth.  However, Pilate's response was, "What is truth?"  In the same way, many people today do not know what truth is, and unfortunately entertain rather perverted concepts of what really matters, who God is, and what life is really about.  It is like the passage in Romans 1 where they "became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God" for a lie.  The father of lies has blinded their minds from the truth.  

Truth is more than a concept, it is a person.  Jesus said, "I am the Truth."  However, truth, the nature of Jesus Christ, is revealed to us through His Word.  Jesus prayed that the Father would "sanctify them by Your truth, Your word is truth."  In John 8, He told those who believe that "if you continue in the Word, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  Moreover, Jesus promised that the Spirit of truth will be in you, and "will guide you into all truth."  The point is that God wants us to know truth.  He sent Jesus to reveal the truth of who He is, and established His Word to give us truth "line upon line and precept upon precept" which transforms our fallen-nature minds into knowing His thoughts and ways.  Furthermore, He sent the Holy Spirit to write this truth on our hearts so that we know Him.  

Receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls, according to James 1:21.  Man is inherently arrogant and thinks his way is right, but God honors and gives grace to the man who humbles himself to ask God for wisdom and truth.  Our attitude makes all the difference between just reading the  words of Scripture, and on the other hand, being transformed by His grace and truth.  Therefore, approach the Word of God with sincere humbleness, asking the Spirit to guide you into truth as you let His thoughts replace your thoughts and His truth overcome the lies of the flesh and the world.  When you seek Him with all your heart, He will be found. 

May the Lord give you fresh revelation of truth, of His very nature, as you read the Word and let His truth read you, change you, and become the anchor of your soul. Those who know the truth will have God's peace and not be shaken.  Rejoice in and give praise for the Truth.     

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hunger for Righteousness

Do you hunger for righteousness, to live to please God?  He promises you will be satisfied.

One of the sure characteristics of the resurrected life of Jesus being in us is the change in our choices.  This morning in Psalm 125, the line that caught my attention was "For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous."   This truth reminds me of the second part of the foundation found in 2 Timothy 2:19, "Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and 'Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.'"

Jesus loved righteousness and hated evil and as a result, was anointed with more gladness than all His companions. (Hebrews 1:9)  There is great reward and blessings when we set our hearts on the spirit (Spirit) and put to death the deeds and desires of the flesh. Paul would say it this way, whether he lives or dies, his goal is to please God.  

We know the principle, faithful in little leads to being faithful in much.  Therefore, we can also apply this to the little choices, being thankful instead of complaining, choosing to bless someone who may not deserve it, being patient in the hard situation, resting in God's peace rather than getting anxious, choosing to believe and put things in His hands rather than worry and take matters in our own hands.  

God has made provision for His children that the "scepter" or rule of wickedness shall not rest on the righteous.  It is up to us to agree with Him and declare His goodness.  We have been set free and are encouraged to stand in that freedom. Therefore, let your hunger for righteousness be empowered by the Spirit to hate evil and do good.  The Lord is so pleased with your choice.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

God Honors Faith

 Jesus deliberately took time to show Thomas His hands and His side, saying "Because you have seen Me, have you believed?"  However, His next statement reveals what really pleases God.  "Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."

"Without faith it is impossible to please God," according to the admonition in Hebrews 11:6.  The obvious challenge of faith is to walk in the Spirit, to set the mind on the spirit (or Spirit) rather than live in the flesh (according to the thoughts and feelings that our fallen human nature dictates).  On one hand, Jesus states that the Word is spirit and life, and on the other hand, Romans 8 points out that to set the mind on the flesh is death.  Furthermore, Jeremiah 17:9 declares that the heart is deceitful above all things, desperately corrupt.  God has clearly given us the truth needed to reject the deceitful, misguided fleshly understanding, and instead to choose to see things from His truthful perspective.  As Isaiah 55 clearly states that God's thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways, as the heavens are higher than the earth. 

Two facts to consider in order to establish a good foundation for life.  One, in Romans 12 we are encouraged to think soberly or seriously, that God has given to each of us a measure of faith.  Each of us has faith, just as each of us has muscles; it is up to us to use what has been given to develop it.  Secondly, the Word of God is truth that is directed to our will.  Consider several Scriptural instructions, "I set before you life and death, choose life."  Or Jesus, telling the father of the dying child, "do not be afraid, only believe."  Therefore, we can choose to believe.  Jesus admonishes us to receive His kingdom like a little child.  Does a child have trouble receiving a present?  A good start to learn to simply receive is to say "thank you."  The more we read and hear the truth of God's Word, the easier it is to receive what it says in our hearts and declare it gratefully with our lips.

Man, in his pride, always thinks his thoughts are right.  So God is pleased and blesses each one who deliberately chooses God's thoughts over what the natural fleshly way of thinking would suggest.  Was not Jesus amazed at the woman who put in her last two coins when that was all she had to live on? Or the woman who refused to be discouraged by the disciples and kept crying out for Jesus to give her even the crumbs from the table?  The point is, God is pleased when we receive the Word with meekness.  He blesses us when we choose to dwell on His thoughts and live by His Word rather than our own selfish desires and understanding.   

Therefore, my word and suggestion today is to choose to stand in faith in whatever the challenges before you.  Give thanks and hold on to the Word of God, even stating what God says out loud to establish and maintain your faithful position.  Don't doubt in the dark what you have received in the Light.  God honors those who honor Him and His Word.  

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Identity Exchange

Jesus identified completely with man, taking our nature, going through the natural steps of living as a human on earth, and then, in loving surrender and amazement taking on all our sin and its deadly consequence.  The awesome Good News is that because of His identifying with fallen man, we can now by faith identify completely with His nature, being born-again into children of God, seated at the right hand of God with Him, and ruling as kings forever!

Hallelujah!  He is risen!  Jesus not only became man but identified with all the sin, impending judgment, and consequential eternal death that our rebellion justly deserved.  Through His suffering and death all men's sins have been completely paid for and then the powerful resurrection demonstrates that all the consequences are overcome.  

Because He lives, we can now share His resurrected life today and forever.  In chapel this week our message was that He forgave our sins (past), gave us a purpose for living (present), and promised divine life forever with Him in Heaven (future).  What Jesus accomplished is more than we could ever think, ask, or imagine.  

In addition, He invites us to identify with the eternal rewards that He earned by humbly submitting Himself to the Father's will.  By faith we identify with His death as we acknowledge He died for us.  By baptism, we, our old sinful nature, are buried with Him, and in receiving His Spirit, we now are filled with power and love to be His light in the world.  We know God as our "Abba Father," our purpose and His provision through His Word, and the Holy Spirit within bears witness to His life in us while on earth and in the ages to come.  Praise God Forever! 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Passed out of Death to Life! Hosanna!

 In John 6, Jesus declares that those who hear His Word, and believe the Father who sent Him, do not come into judgment, but pass out of death into life.  Two things from this statement catch our attention: one, those who don't hear the truth or refuse to believe in God's plan that Jesus died and was raised to save them, are still dead and will be judged.  Two, we who believe have passed out of death into life.  In simple terms, we are resurrected with Him and now enjoy and participate in His fullness of life forever.  Hosanna!

On the other hand, we recall in Luke 9, when the man wanted to follow Jesus but also wanted to go bury his father first, and that Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead.  Follow Me."  Jesus called unbelievers "dead."  Or in the pivotal John 3:16 verse, that those who believe in Him should not perish.  Our darkened minds do not grasp the truth that man has fallen and that God's words to Adam and Eve are still true, "if you eat of this fruit, you shall surely die."  Man, because of sin, is already condemned and will perish unless Someone saves him.  

Romans 5:18 states this fact and exchange clearly, "Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life."  

When I was a kid and someone said, "Isn't it great that God saved us?" my response was, "Yes, would you pass the potatoes?"  In other words, I had no concept of what my condition was and how great His rescue of me was.  The closer we get to knowing God's heart and His mercy, the more we realize what an awesome feat Jesus accomplished by taking all men's sins upon Himself and shedding His own blood to completely pay for our sin.  No wonder Psalm 21:6 says we are "most blessed" forever.  With this realization, today is a good day to exclaim with the crowd, "Hosanna!  (which means God, save us)  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest!

God has abundantly shown His love for each of us.  As we realize we have passed from death to life (John 6:24), have no condemnation (Romans 8:1), and participate in the very nature of God (2 Peter 1:4) forever, how can we make any other response than what is revealed in Revelation 19, "Hallelujah!  Salvation and glory and honor belong to the Lord our God!"