A simple verse in Psalm 38 states, "For I hope in You, O Lord; You will answer, O Lord my God." Hope, of course, suggests choosing to believe a promise of what someone will do in response to our actions, and is future. Therefore, we could say that our whole life, all we are, all that we hold as truth, all that we do, depends upon God being faithful to answer and keep His promises. Paul even suggests that if God doesn't do what He says, we are the most pitiable of all men.
My dad used to say that getting old isn't so bad when you consider the alternative. That same principle applies to choosing to believe God is faithful and will confirm His Word. What is the alternative, to believe in man's thoughts and ways, being sort of a high-class animal with no purpose of life and nothing to look forward to? However, we as believers have an assurance, a peace within our spirit, that establishes our relationship with the Lord Jesus to "know" Him and His character (which we often simply refer to as His name.) We believe who God is and what He has done for us which gives an eternal future and a hope for each of us. Hebrews 11:6 demands that those who come to God "must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Jesus spoke with authority pointing out that when we pray, fast, and give, God who sees in secret will reward us openly. David declares, "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
It really isn't a blind faith as the skeptic would like to say, but rather a revelation, a "dawning" of light and understanding, that He not only is real but that in His love He freely died to deal with our sin. Perhaps the key revelation that motivates us to choose faith is the honest realization that we have a sin nature, a strong tendency to selfishly do and think whatever pleases ourselves. In short, that we have done wrong and are guilty. We need forgiveness. On the positive side, Romans 1:20 states that all creation reveals the eternal power and divinity of God. Then, the coming of Jesus Christ, and the record of His Word, not only show God is real, but that He loves us. He is love Himself, choosing to lay His life down for each of us out of sheer love and commitment. He deliberately and willing paid with His own blood for all the sin and evil we have ever committed. And to complete His mission, He has sent His Spirit to let us know for sure who Jesus is and what He has done. John 16:7 uses the word "convict" of righteousness, sin, and eternal judgment so we know where we stand with God forever.
Therefore, each of us have been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) and we can choose to receive this gift and exercise the power God has given us (life and death is in the power of the tongue) to settle it by declaring with our lips that Jesus is our (my) Lord. The rest of peace that making this choice establishes in our hearts becomes the basis of believing that God is and also keeps all His other promises. Yes, as our Psalm 38 verse declares, when we hope in Him, God will answer.
God is good and He desires to answer prayer, waiting for us to ask so He can be gracious (Isaiah 30:18). My encouragement based on this truth is that no matter where you are at, whatever the problem or circumstance, put your hope in the Lord (usually through simply praying with the faith you have and stating the truth of God's Word about the situation) and then rest in knowing "God will answer."
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