Friday, October 22, 2021

Crowns Are Not Always Comfortable

 Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Father.  Nothing compares to the crown that God has for those who faithfully serve Him. 

There is a standing joke about the response of the person whom the dentist informed that she needed a crown.  Her reply was, "it is about time somebody recognized that!"  Just so happens that this week I did get a crown from the dentist and my overall reaction is that crowns are not always comfortable. 

The analogy to receiving a crown from men is likewise true.  Jesus warns in Luke 6:26 "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets."  Our flesh always wants men's approval and to feel like our efforts are noticed and appreciated.  This leads to a dangerous pattern.  We may do or say things just to please men rather than seek to please God by being obedient to the truth of God's Word.  The difference is life or death.  Choose life. 

Have you noticed in the sermon on the mount how many times Jesus says to pray in secret, fast in secret, give in secret, so God the Father can reward you openly.  He calls us to "perform" for an audience of One, not to show off to others.  God looks at the heart, not the outward physical display.

1 Peter 2:14 points out that the role of authorities is to punish evil and praise good.  Therefore, there certainly is nothing wrong with commending good behavior or choices. These comments help motivate people to continue in godly actions. 

However, there are also some negative things that can tempt us.  First, we can become arrogant and think we are better than we are. We may even think we are better than others when Scripture in Philippians 2 reminds us to "esteem others better than ourselves."    Second, we can begin to compromise our standards just to get men's approval, rather than be true to the godly convictions God has planted in our hearts.   We want to stand before God in our greatest appointment with no regrets.   

What is the answer?  Let the peace of God be the umpire in your heart.  Do things and choose attitudes which please Him rather than looking for fleshly affirmation.  We know according to Romans 8 that flesh is enmity against the spirit and cannot please God.  Be gracious to receive thanks when people give you credit or recognize your efforts, but let your rejoicing rest in the comforting witness of the Holy Spirit.  T. L. Osborn, a seasoned evangelist who carried the Gospel to India, said it this way, "If you aren't affected by people's cheers, you won't be distracted by their jeers."  Corrie Ten Boom accurately described this situation as receiving the "roses" people give her, but before going to bed she would say, "Jesus, these really belong to You."   

Crowns, except the one God gives, are temporary and not always comfortable. 


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