Monday, October 4, 2021

Alert and on Guard, We Overcome!

 The words of Paul to the Ephesians in Acts 20 resonate with the spiritual battle we currently are involved in, whether we are aware of it or not.  Even though he had gone through incredible attacks, even being stoned, shipwrecked, and knew that imprisonment and suffering was ahead, Paul states "None of these things move me."  Oh, that we all had our hearts steadfast like his.  

Our overcoming abundant life depends upon living by the Word of God rather than the happenings of the world around us.  It may be a challenge to fight the good fight of faith and to know God is working all things for our good when things around us are falling apart., However, the truth is that His way is perfect, even in the midst of the storm.  The good news is He is always a very present help in times of trouble and He simply wants us to call on Him.  Jesus has already won the victory, so stand in faith to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.    
Paul's instructions to the Ephesian leaders was to "take care and be on guard for yourselves and the whole flock" and to "be alert and on your guard."  October tends to be a season when the spiritual forces of evil get stirred up with the Halloween emphasis.  The Spirit of God reminds us to be vigilant in our taking authority and declaring victory over the demonic "the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and with total commitment where we love not our lives even unto death." (Rev 12:11).  

Paul's warning goes even further, stating that ferocious wolves will get in and even within our ranks people will rise up and say perverse things leading others astray.  Rather than let this warning discourage us believers, Paul calls on us to stand strong in the Word of God which is able to build us up to receive the full inheritance.. However, the battle is real, and both Paul and Jesus tell us to be alert.  Jesus shows much more concern about us being deceived in the last days than He does about us being persecuted.  All those who refuse to love the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10) will be subject to deception. 

It is not a time to be passive or defeated in spirit, but rather to rise up in the authority and name of Jesus, declaring the victorious Word of God, and trusting the Holy Spirit to equip us with all we need to overcome.  .  According to 1 John 5:4 all those born again are united "in Christ" and destined to overcome the world and the work of the enemy. By faith we unite in HIs victorious death and resurrection, and now live by faith in the power of God.  Jesus warned His followers, in John 14 shortly before His arrest, to "not let your hearts be troubled.",  What God commands He also enables.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep your heart in Him and His promises instead of rehearsing what the enemy is doing.  Daily put on the armor of God and use the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,  The anointing of God will break the yoke and give us discernment to stand against the enemy's traps.  .   

Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph!


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