Take control. The ball is in your hands.
Through His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ overcame sin, sickness, and all the power of the enemy. As a result, He has been given all authority. As Matthew 28 clearly reveals “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." The key challenge is the next two words, "Go therefore."
Philippians 2 reminds us that God the Father was pleased to accept the humbling obedience of Jesus "even unto death" and rewarded Him with the commanding position and name which are above all. "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth." Go in My name and make disciples. Can you see the excitement and awe of the disciples (in Luke 10:17) "Even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
God rules on the earth through His people. If my people... Just as God gave donimion to Adam in Genesis 1:28, through the finished work of Jesus we now have the authority to rule again the way man was created to function. Romans 5:17 declares this amazing truth "much more [than sin causing death for all men] those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." He has gifted us to rule.
Jesus not only took our place in carrying the overwhelming price for sin, He also brought us with Him to enjoy the glorious victory of sharing divine life forever. Ephesians 2 shows how we died with Christ, rose with Christ, and are now seated with Him in heavenly places. This is not a pie in the sky verse, but rather the wonderful accomplishment of what Jesus achieved for us. Salvation, or deliverance from sin and all its consequences, is now. Our position of authority has been given and we are to "go therefore" and exercise this dominion using the name above all names. Bind and loose, the gates of hell cannot stop us.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) Many Christians do not realize the "glorious liberty of the children of God" that Paul talks about in Romans 8, which even the creation waits to enjoy. How are we going to come to know and learn to use this awesome calling to set My people free?
The answer is God. The Holy Spirit has been sent to bear witness to our relationship with the Father and to reveal Jesus, causing us to know the truth of all He has done and said. He will lead us and show us the way. Jesus said it was better for us to have the Holy Spirit than if he were present physically on the earth. We have the ultimate teacher and guide. He will even teach us how to listen and obey, to will and to work for His pleasure.
Now is the time to do something. What do you see that is wrong and out of order in your sphere of influence? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the plan how to attack the problem. Then obey His prompting and take authority, "In Jesus' name, this situation _______________ must change. I command this __________ to go. In the authority given to me as a believer in Jesus Christ, I release the restoring power of God to change this. It shall be so (Amen), in the name of Jesus." This is just a sample declaration, but all we need to do is follow the words and guiding of the Spirit to declare your victory. It is not as important that you have the right words as it is that you know your authority and stand. Even the armor of God scriptures, found in Ephesians 6, states "Having done all to stand, stand therefore."
God reigns through His people. Let Him rule through you and your words! As Jesus taught us to pray, Come, thy Kingdom. Be done, will of God. These petitions are actualy commands He desires us to make. Speak life through declaring the Word of God and He will establish it. God has given you the Holy Spirit to enable you to take control. God and all heaven's power is activated as you take control.
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