Friday, July 23, 2021

Sacrifices Today?

 Nobody likes the word, sacrifice.  

Sacrifice sounds like we have to give up something, and goes against our fleshly drive "I want" which motivates us to possess all we can.  But the key is the internal character of sacrifice.  In the Old Testament sacrifices were animals offered as a regulation to deal with sin.  The sacrifice animal had to be without spot or blemish, suggesting that it was good.  The concept is that men would put aside our good choice for the purpose or belief that something greater will happen as a result.  

Obviously Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice lamb who was slain for sin, once for all.  He laid down His perfect life trusting that redeeming sinful man back to God was the greater good.  The Father accepted His sacrifice. Therefore, there is no more a need for sacrifices to be made for sin.  

However, there does remain a call to sacrifice.  Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone.  He who loses his life will find life.  Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends.  We are called to love God and love our neighbor by putting other's needs ahead of our personal desires.  

Yet, man doesn't have the ability or character to do this on our own.  All this is only possible because of accepting Jesus' sacrifice for us.  Then the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which totally changes us into new creations.  Filled with this new life and the love of God, man's cup overflows and he can respond by pouring out of his life, his talents and abilities, to bless others.   

When I was a kid in the "cold war" days with Russia, one of my fantasies was that the atheistic Communists would line us up in front of a firing squad, asking, "Do you believe in God?"  I would answer, "yes," and die for the Lord.  End of story.  However, God didn't want me to die for the Lord like that, He wanted me to "die" by living for Him in a series of decisions to put His will first.  Each time I laid down my own selfish desires and chose obedience, it was living for Him.   

Based on this understanding, there is one simple response that we want to focus on: giving thanks and praise.   In Hebrews 13:15 it states, "Let us continually offer up the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name."  Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5 to "give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  Likewise, in the psalms David reminds us to bless the Lord at all times. However, there is a challenge.

Everyone can easily praise God when things are going well.  The test is what do we do in the midst of trouble and hard times.  There is a reason this is called a "sacrifice" of praise.  Notice how Psalm 56:4 calls praise a freewill offering, "With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to You, I will give thanks and praise to Your name, O Lord, for it is good."  This is a choice your make to offer to God. 

Nothing pleases God more than when we sacrifice our feelings and choose to obey this instruction of the Spirit to praise Him in the hard place.  Do you agree that God is working everything for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)?  Giving thanks and praise demonstrates the faith that God is good and His promises are true.  Imagine a conversation with God like this, "Thank you, for gas prices being above $3 gallon."  "Praise you, God, for letting me stand in this longest line at the grocery store."  "Thank you, Lord, for letting me work with this difficult person, for this boss who wants me to do more and more, for being caught in traffic, etc."  We give God more glory by obeying Him when it is difficult, much like the widow who put the two coins into the offering even though it was all she had to live on. 

The greater good, pleasing God, is always worth the sacrifice because He is worthy of all.  Those aren't just words, He really does deserve praise and thanks at all times.  And you pass the faith test by making this sacrifice to praise Him when your flesh wants to complain and gripe like the Israelites in the desert.  God also points out that your praise lets the demonic kingdom know the hidden wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:10) and more personally, who is boss (Lord) of your life.  He is worthy to be praised. 

Sacrifice today!  Choose to make the freewill sacrifice of praise in every situation.  Ask the Holy Spirit to enable you and bring to your remembrance your commitment to God to be His house of thanksgiving and praise.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your sacrifice so we can sacrifice for You.

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