Tuesday, July 2, 2024

You are an eternal being!

You will live forever, not in this age, but in the age to come. However, many people focus solely on their achievements and acquisitions in this lifetime, neglecting preparation for judgment and the future age. Jesus' resurrection demonstrates His dominion over all powers, as Ephesians 1:20 affirms, "not only in this age but in the age to come."

In Luke 16, Jesus tells the parable of the unjust steward who manipulates debts to secure his future. Rather than condemn his deceit, Jesus highlights the steward's foresight in planning ahead. He advises, "Make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails, they may receive you into eternal dwellings."

Everything we possess belongs to the Master, and we all fall short in various ways. The crucial question is: How are we using what we have to secure entry into our eternal home? Have we embraced Jesus' sacrifice for our sins? Have we surrendered to Him as Lord of our lives? Just as a landlord owns the property, if He is our "lord" we choose to let Jesus "own" us and as his disciples, we strive to please and emulate Him in all we do. What we sow on earth will surely store up treasure in heaven and in the next age.

"Many people assume that everyone goes to a better place when they die. While Jesus died for the sins of all humanity, He also explained the nature of His kingdom in the Beatitudes and instructed the crowds in Matthew 7, to "Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter through it. But narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Going to  heaven is not automatic, it requires a yielding to the way Jesus has provided.

In summary, created in the image of God, we all will live forever, but not in the same place.  In spite of all Jesus has done, many will follow the path that leads to destruction.  It is not those who say "Lord, Lord" but those who do the will of the Father who enter into the kingdom of Heaven.  While there is time, be like the unjust steward, and make your provision for the future age.  Surrender to Jesus.

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