Seek the Lord with your whole heart. The Word of God, through verses like this one, convert the soul from selfish thinking into choosing to give our all to Jesus. The reason is simple: He is worthy. Our soulish part, "I think, I feel, I want", that is self-oriented must be challenged to obey the spirit which is clearly calling us to "present our bodies a living sacrifice and be transformed by the renewing of our mind to prove the perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1-2)
Many Christians in parts of the world like Korea, China, or some of the Muslim countries have paid dearly to believe in Jesus. Often their testimonies force us to see how trivial our "trials" really are. However, regardless of the intensity, there is always a price. Jesus says count the cost. Clearly when we see Jesus, the words of Paul that all his sufferings were nothing compared to the glory of God will also be evident to us too.
Likewise, there are some Biblical truths like "Jehovah Jireh," or "all my needs are met according to His riches in glory" which are only one side of the coin. Observing the context presents a bigger picture and a much greater opportunity to understand how to apply these principles. Abraham (in Genesis 22) was asked to give his son, whom he had believed 25 years for, as a sacrifice. It was because of this awesome act of obeying God that the Lord provided the ram as the sacrifice instead and was revealed as Jehovah Jireh. Likewise, the promise in Philippians 4:19 that our needs would be met according to His riches in glory was to the Philippi church that had given more than once to support Paul's ministry.
Sometimes we preach Jesus as meeting our needs. This is accurate but lacks true depth. The point is that He is worthy, He is King of kings, He is the one from whom are all things, through whom are all things, and to whom are all things. Once we receive the truth of the glory and worthiness of Jesus and all God has done for us, we see that it is our joy and privilege to lay down all our rights for Him. He who loses his life for Him will find it. The greater invitation is to acknowledge Jesus as Lord of all and surrender all we are and have because He is worthy. We are asked to step out in faith that as we honor Him, He will take care of us. He will certainly show Himself more than we "could think, ask, or imagine" in meeting our needs.
God invites us (you) to lose our life for Him. Jesus is worthy of all you are asked to give. In that willing surrender His presence and pleasure will refresh you. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added. He is worthy.
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