There is only one way to get free of our flesh: to fail and repent.
Psalm 51 shares the painful truth of David's moral failure and his turning to God for mercy. It is never pleasant to focus on our moral failures; we would rather share our triumphs. However, God is always able to turn things around, and amazingly, in this case, we see a fresh awareness and desire for truth in our innermost being, having a clean heart, knowing the presence of the Holy Spirit, and experiencing the joy of our salvation. God always works things for good for those who love Him and are called to His purpose.
This principle is also shown in 2 Corinthians 4:11, "For we who live are always being delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh." Likewise, Romans 8:13 declares that "if by the Holy Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." The result of coming to the end of ourselves is the release of Jesus' life and power in us.
To be sanctified, or being made like Jesus, is really just being set free from the flesh.
The Lord desires a broken and contrite heart rather than sacrifices. He shares that "on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite heart" in Isaiah 66:2. Obviously, God knows we are made of dust and have a fallen nature. He doesn't condemn us even though we fail. What He desires is for us to humble ourselves and honestly acknowledge our failures. Then, almost beyond our greatest imaginations, rather than condemn us, He delights in showing mercy to the one who seeks His forgiveness.
Only a loving God can turn our failures into life-giving events. The worst thing man could ever do is for human beings to crucify the Son of God, yet this very event because of God's beyond-description love and mercy, opens the door for all men to be saved and become children of God forever. After we fail and turn to God for forgiveness, we grow in greater appreciation for all He has done for us, and hopefully, greater knowledge of what an awesome and merciful God He is.
Stand fast, therefore, in the freedom which Christ has set you free.
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