Come to Me, you chosen of God. Sometimes we don't feel like or remember that we really are His chosen. In Psalm 81, we are not only reminded that He has chosen us and has directly involved Himself in our lives, but we are also given a continuing challenge of how to walk in His glorious provision.
First, He reminds us that He set us free from our burden, obviously the slavery of our own sin, and when we called in trouble, He was there to deliver us. Furthermore, He desires to continue to demonstrate His goodness to us by giving this simple admonition: "Oh that My people would hearken unto me, that Israel (my chosen) would walk in my ways!"
Just as Jesus endured the cross because of the joy set before Him, God sets the table for us to come and enjoy His glorious provision. "I would soon subdue their enemies....[I would] feed them also with the finest of the wheat and with honey out of the rock would I satisfy thee." What incredible motivation to listen and obey!
So this morning, the Lord invites you to take a moment to ask His Spirit to speak to you. My sheep hear my voice. Then hearken - give heed or attention to what is said. It sounds so easy and simple. Yet God's ways are easy and light (My yoke is easy and My burden is light Matthew 11:30) Rather than something hard, it is as simple as asking and receiving, taking time to wait and by faith respond to the still small voice. Choose to believe the word that He gives and obey.
The Lord has good plans for you today with victories over your difficulties, and with the promise of the finest of wheat, the provision that your heart enjoys. You are chosen and blessed beyond description. Take time to hearken. Let him who has ears to hear, hear. As you give heed and pay attention to what is said, surely goodness and mercy will follow you today.
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