Jesus stated this seemingly contradicting phrase, "many are called, but few are chosen." He gives it as the conclusion of the Matthew 22 wedding feast parable. This scene explains its meaning quite clearly. The King invited people to the wedding feast, but many chose to ignore the request, and then even hurt or killed the servants who brought the message. So the master brought people in from the highways and byways until his house was full. And true to form, one guest didn't change clothes, so was rejected.
Then Jesus gave "many are called, but few chosen" as the summary of the parable. Naturally, the invitation from God calling us must be followed by an acceptance from us. Chosen are those who respond to the invitation to come and willingly submit to putting on the "wedding" garments.
We are in a partnership, a being "yoked" together, to accomplish the work of the Kingdom. Just as the name "Emmanuel" or "God with us," implies, the plan of God is for us to walk on the earth in the power and name of the Lord. God works in and through us. Hebrews 13:20 speaks of making you complete in every good work and working within you what is pleasing in His sight.
In Isaiah 41, the word for chosen could also be translated "proven." God is love so He obviously loves each person with an everlasting love. However, He does take pleasure in those who fear Him and trust in His mercy. The person who is faithful in little is given more responsibility and reward. Paul admonishes us to aim to please Him. The completion of God's invitation is our accepting the call and putting on His garments (anointing) to celebrate the victory and represent Him in the world. Be holy as I am Holy. You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
Because we submit to His wedding garments, which according to Romans 12:1-2, is to present our bodies as living sacrifices and renew our mind with His thoughts, we will demonstrate the perfect will of God. The wedding garments suggest being clothed in His righteousness and letting our life endorse this union with Him.
We could never thank Him enough for all He has done for us and for inviting us to "Come" to His celebration. Moreover, giving our all and living for Him allows us to be the chosen who will be His witnesses on earth and will spend eternity with Him. We are the "most blessed" (Psalm 21:6) who are called and chosen!
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