Stand fast in the freedom Christ has set you free and do not submit to a yoke of slavery. As the hymn by Mrs. Morris states, the conflict of the ages is upon us today. The "Conflict of the Ages" could be summarized as God's freedom vs Satan's bondage.
Jesus may have come in the weakness of human flesh, but His life and work clearly demonstrated God's authority and desire to set men free of the bondage of sin, and Satan's control. Jesus satisfied the all-just God's wages for sin and rescued the "keys of Hades and death." (Rev. 1:18) Everything man lost through sin has been restored through the death and resurrection of our Lord. God now calls us to participate in His overcoming power and walk worthy of this high calling.
Jesus pointed out that if we continue in His Word, His Word will set us free. Even though Jesus has overcome bondage for every man, God does not force His desire for "all men to be saved" on anyone. Man has been made in the image and likeness of God, which clearly includes the ability to choose. The famous Deuteronomy 30 declaration confirms this truth, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, choose life." Part of man's glory or greatness is his ability and responsibility to choose his own destiny. This is such a fundamental part of man's nature that God will let us go to hell if we choose. It follows that it is up to us to receive and believe in Jesus, to choose to obey the Word, and to trust Him to fulfill the victory He has purchased in our lives.
The devil is described in the book of Revelation as the one who deceived the nations. Just as Jesus came to set us free from bondage, the devil's plan is to make us his slaves. One of the clear identifying characteristics of the evil one's tactics is to take away the abundant life and freedom Jesus purchased for us through His shed blood. This evil plan is clearly seen in sin, addiction, lust, greed, bitterness, and many other areas designed to choke our intended purpose. Romans 8 declares these demonic-influenced flesh strongholds are death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace.
On the bigger picture, Satan wants to be "like the Most High God" (Isaiah 14) and wishes to control the whole world system. America was founded by godly men who cherished man's freedom and right to worship. Many other governments are influenced by the opposite spirit and wish to dictate what man can think and do, as well as who he can worship. However, the enemy is a liar and his nature is to steal, kill, and destroy. He continually seeks to undermine the freedoms this country was founded on. Jesus pointed out that the anti-Christ spirit would increase toward the end of the age, and it is easy to see how today men controlled by this spirit of anti-Christ through money, government, media, and public opinion are seeking to control man's freedom. The conflict of the ages will be settled when Jesus returns and defeats the current ruler of this world.
However, for the believer, this battle has already been won. Rather than be "sheep," who follow the crowd and try to please men, we are called to please God and not submit to the me-first philosophy of the world. We are told not to think it strange when the fiery trial comes to test us, but rather to make the right choices in the day of temptation. This right choice produces patience, character and growth that pleases God. Romans 5 even goes so far as to say we should glory in our tribulations because of the fruit they produce in us. The good news according to Romans 8:13 is "If by the power of the Spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."
Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ. Choose life today in your choices, knowing God Himself is in you "to will and to work" for His pleasure.
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