You can see with physical eyes and/or with spiritual eyes. So the question is, what do you see? Jesus said that if the eye be single the whole body is good. What is getting your attention right now, what are you focusing on? One enjoyable way to begin the day with the Lord is to read a psalm, because it shifts one's attention from self to focus on the Lord and His truth. David was, after all, a man after God's own heart. The Word is spirit and truth, so it opens our spiritual eyes to see beyond the physical circumstances.
Worship songs that speak of God's glory and holiness likewise allow our imagination to soar beyond natural boundaries. We receive this truth in our spirit, rather than figure it out with our understanding. Once we see God, then we can realize how blessed we are to know Him and to be loved by One who loves us so much that He willingly gave His life for us. This awesome love that forgives us, also has made us a new creation sharing His infinite life and goodness. There is a worship song that has the line, "All my life You have been faithful, all my life You have been so, so good." Songs of praise help us picture and dwell on all the great things God has done in our lives, and all the things that we richly enjoy.
Furthermore, in Psalm 1 the word that encourages us to meditate, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law does he meditate day and night...whatsoever he does shall prosper, " this word "meditate" is the exact same Hebrew word used in Isaiah 26, Psalm 2, and Genesis 6. for imagine. In short, meditation is simply choosing to see with your imagination, to focus on and let dwell in you richly, God's thoughts.
Therefore, the concluding question is "What are you looking at as you approach life today?" Are your thoughts and emotions dictated by what your physical eyes perceive, or are you rather consumed by the awesome love and goodness of the living God who lives in you and strengthens you? Is your heart filled with thanksgiving because you know He is working for good all things and completing the good work in you to transform you from glory to glory? Do you see Jesus and His truth enlightening everything you do?
Fill your imagination and mind with His thoughts and how you might please Him. Let this vision dominate your words and actions. See yourself as a gift from God, accomplishing your tasks today through His help, and living for Him and His pleasure forever. In short, in everything, see Jesus!