The question is why do we obey God? Love to or have to? Wanting to please God, rather than having to keep a list of laws in order to satisfy God's demands, sets one free. Our motivation is that we, as receivers of His grace, aim to be well-pleasing to Him, according to 2 Corinthians 5:9.
A teen-age boy may not listen to his mother to clean up. dress neat, or practice certain manners. However, when he falls in love and wishes to please a certain girl those seemingly impossible chores instantly are automatically done out of love and desire to please the object of his affections. The point is the new motivation.
This is the essential difference between the law and grace, or more specifically religion and relationship. Most religions are similar to the Law with a list of "things" that one has to do in order to be in God's favor. The Gospel is exactly the opposite. Jesus loves us even when we are sinners, enough to die for us. One simply has to admit that he has failed or sinned and accepts that Jesus loves him so much that He willingly paid for all our sin consequences through His death and resurrection.
Accepting this infinite love transforms the human heart, allows the Holy Spirit to make one a new creation, and plants a fresh desire, a "I delight to do thy will" in the believer. This love relationship motivates more out of wanting to respond to God's infinite love than having to obey a set of rules ever could. Paul explains that the love of Christ constrains us.
The challenge, according to Romans, is whether this grace allows us to keep sinning. No, the difference is that now we want to obey out of love, not out of fear of rejection.
How can one walk with God unless he agrees with Him? Man's thoughts and ways are totally opposite of God's thoughts and ways. Therefore, as the believer presents his body as a living sacrifice and chooses to let God's thoughts and ways (expressed in His Word) dwell in him richly, he is transformed and demonstrates the perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2). When man's heart is to please God, he freely chooses to lay down his old fleshly ways and to grow in walking according to the characteristics of the new man God has recreated him to be.
Jesus stated in John 14:15, "if you love me, you will keep my commandments." The indwelling presence of God in the new man produces joy and strength to obey His commands. And then, the very act of obeying God, produces newness of life, (Romans 6) which encourages more love and obedience. The more we know Him, the more we want to love Him by obeying. This new loving way of life continues until man is transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
God is not interested in a group of robots who are forced to submit and have to do what He wants. Rather man is created in God's own image and likeness so he can freely choose to respond to the Father's love expressed in Jesus Christ. Being a cheerful giver, even a giver of our very life, pleases God. Believers who are born again into this new creation, are empowered with the Spirit to love and actually delight in serving God and pleasing Him. God shows his pleasure with the infinite rewarding words, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of Your Father.'
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