Monday, September 6, 2021


We should be regarded, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God, according to 1 Corinthians 4:1.  Our true respnse to Christ's infinite love is to choose to willingly serve Him and obey Him.  Servants work.    

Very few things in life challenge our flesh like choosing to work.  In the spirit, we know the truth expressed in Ephesians 2:10, that "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."   On the other hand, our flesh tends to be lazy and we don't feel like doing anything.  Our flesh isn't just the body, it is the fallen nature of the rebellious soul, simply defined as the "I think, I feel, and I want."  Flesh seeks the easiest path.  The flesh is opposed to the spirit and hates anything God or our spirit desires.  Therefore, when we let our spirit rule and override the fleshly resistance, we show who is master and please God.

In the spirit and according to the Word, which is spirit and life, work is an opportunity to share in the creative power of God to produce fruit.  We are told in Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ."  

A friend of mine, worked on the assembly line of a car manufacturing plant, and his job was to put on the right front door of the vehicle.  He had 22 seconds to pick up the door, place the piece on its hinges, and put the pins in so the door could shut properly.  It just so happened that he was a worship leader in our fellowship, so one day he was seeking God on how to grow in worship.  The Lord said to him, "If you put the door on the car with the same carefulness and thoroughness that you would if you were putting it on My car, that is worship.  He saw his work as a new opportunity to worship God.

The Holy Spirit shows us our call, our assignment of what we are to do, then He enables us "to willl and to work" for His pleasure. .It is our spirit that must rule over the soul, just as the soul rules over the body.  I delight to do the will of God is the truth on which the spirit operates.  The spirit then overrides the desires of the flesh, and our soul must submit.  The soul directs our bodies to get to work.  The result is we are able to produce some fruit, maybe a job done, a chore accomplished, or a "to do" list item completed.  We can enjoy the satisfaction and peace of "Well done, good and a faithful servant" from the Lord.

Today may be Labor Day for a variety of reaons, but it is also an opportunity to praise God for the work He has given you and for the enabling power He has provided to do it.  Our work, everything from giving a glass of water to a little one to helping a neighbor do something, glorifies God and has His promise of a  reward.  All things, even work, are from Him, through Him, and for Him. Praise God forever! for His perfect ways.     



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