Monday, May 31, 2021


Summertime and the living is easy, according to the song.  Almost everyone dreams of relaxing on a beach, or a peaceful time in the mountains, or simply laying around on a cozy couch and enjoying a favorite hobby.  A little R and R, rest and relaxation.  In truth, only rarely do our dreams become reality as life seems to always have extenuating circumstances. This only reflects the fact that true rest and refreshing is much deeper than just having time and less demands. Let's take a look at the foundation of peace in our lives.   

What do you strive for, work for, seek to find?  Most of us want to be content, to be useful, to feel accomplished in the work that we achieve, and.especially in our relationships, have a sense of appreciation, worth, and peace.  However, in our present life this doesn't happen easily.  We have a fallen human nature which is at war with God and the spirit of life and peace.  Romans 7 describes this delemma "I do what I didn't want and I don't do what I want," Frankly, the flesh cannot please God. Therefore, as long as we are living and making decisions based on our thoughts and feelings, or relying on our own abilities, we will always be in turmoil.  With even stronger words, in John 15, Jesus says you can do nothing without Me. 

One of my seniors has been taking classes online while taking care of her 8-month-old baby sister.  So in between classes I like to sing to little Savana, "Jesus loves you, this I know for the Bible tells me so."  The line "they are weak but He is strong" always gets me, because the mistake we grown-ups make is thinking we outgrow this fact, that it is just little ones who are weak. Due to our flesh we are always weak, but it is only in Jesus we are strong.  Doesn't Jesus say to come to Him as a little child or that the greatest in the Kingdom are as a little child.  Slowly but surely, He has shown me this is absolutely true, not to condemn me, but rather to open the door for me to walk in triumph by depending on a Reality that really does accomplish what my soul hungers and longs for.  As Paul stated clearly, when I am weak then I am strong.  Knowing my inability to have or become what I desire sets me free to trust Jesus to be my strength, my song (joy), and my salvation (delivered from all the consequences of sin). When I trust Him to run my life, He is my peace.   

But we do have to strive!  Yes, we must "strive" to enter the rest that Jesus gives. Our striving is not against the pressures of the world, but rather a striving to choose life by submitting to God's provision for us.  We choose life by receiving what Jesus has accomplished for us on the cross.  Romans 8:13 encourages us to put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit of God.  We have the power and authority to set our minds on the spirit, on things above and not be a slave to our own thoughts and feelings.  God's ways are higher than our ways, and there does remain a rest for the people of God who believe (Hebrews 4:1-11)  The provision is in God's word, which is spirit and life, and builds us up to receive the inheritance gained for us.  

  May I quote a little longer Scripture in Isaiah 28 to make my point? 
     “Whom will he teach knowledge? and whom will he make to understand the message?  Those just weaned from milk?  Those just drawn from the breasts?  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon presecpt, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.  For with stammering lips and another tongue, He will speak to this people to whom He said, 'This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest.  And this is the refreshing."

The Word of God sets us free and accomplishes its purpose.  After our "baby" stage of first coming into God's salvation, He teaches us knowledge, or gives us the ability to know Him, by laying a steady foundation of the Word of God upon which He will build precept upon precept and line upon line in us as we think on His truth and apply what He promises.  We can now live by the Word of God rather than our natural thoughts.  Jesus sent His Spirit to lead us into all truth. 

However, the icing on the cake is the Spirit of God, who teaches us and brings all things that Jesus taught to our remembrance.  He knows our weakness in prayer and is there to help us.  When we pray in the Spirit, with "stammering lips and another tongue," the truth and peaceful assurance of God's perfect rule restores our peace and refreshes our spirit.  There is amazing power in letting the Spirit pray through us, because according to Romans 8:27, He makes intercession for us according to the will of God.  When our heart needs and requests are answered, there is "perfect peace for those whose minds are stayed on thee."  He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul. 

Take time each day to let the Holy Spirit speak the Word to your heart and pray in the spirit so your spirit is established in the life and peace He has for you.  Strive to enter that rest and refreshing He has provided for His own, by yielding to Him and rejoicing in His righteousness. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Test of Maturity

 Nothing reveals our pride or humbleness before God like how we react to correction.  No one likes to be corrected.  Our prideful flesh is easily offended and screams, "Who do you think you are judging me?".We defend ourselves and make excuses.  We want to "kill the messenger."  Yet God reminds us in Hebrews 12:11 "Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.  Receiving correction humbly admitting our faults and repenting opens the door for God who "gives grace to the humble."  God's loving discipline is a way of life according to Proverbs, that when recieved humbly and honestly causes us to be "conformed into the image of Christ Jesus."

Jesus endured the cross because of the joy set before Him.  Paul likwise understood this motivation to do hard things when he corrected the Corinthians, " Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance,  For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing.  For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.  For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: what diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication!  In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter."  Iron sharpens iron, a true friend speaks the truth in love because he desires the best for him. 

Just as God instructs parents to being up thier children in the admonition and nurture of the Lord, so He brings up HIs children with "admonition and nurture."  He is all love, giving the ultimate sacrifice of laying His life down for His friends.  He also is all just, because what a man sows he will reap.  The Lord has the perfect balance of grace and mercy "which has kissed" truth and righteousness producing genuine transformation and greater desire to love and serve such a great God.  Hebrews 12 compares human discipline which a father does to a son because he loves him, to that of the Father of spirits which produces life.  "He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness". 

O man, what does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" says the prophet Micah.  The measure of walking humbly with God is demonstrated by how we let His Word, and truth spoken by another, correct our thoughts and actions.  The Spirit of God is a perfect teacher, always speaks the truth, and convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  The question is how good are we at listening, obeying, and responding in humble admission when we are wrong.  

Repentance, the turning away from living just to please our flesh, is a process whenever God or a vessel chosen by God to use in the situation confronts us with what is right.  The difference between the many being called and the few that are chosen is the willingness to receive correction and respond rightly.  Therefore, grow up, receive correction, repent and receive His forgiveness so you can enjoy the life and peace God provided for His chosen.    


Sunday, May 16, 2021

What is Truth?

 As Jesus was making His final prayer to the Father in John 17, He prays "Sanctify them by Your truth, Your Word is truth."  To sanctify means to set apart for God.  The truth of God's Word sets us apart, and is the power that sets us free.

  We live in a day where people do not know what is the truth and don't even know whom to believe.  What is the truth about Covid and wearing masks? about election fraud, about abortion, about mariage and divorce, about such sexual standards as homosexuality, transgender changes, sex before marriage, exposure in dress, about drinking and marijuana, etc.  It is interesting that even Pilate asked Jesus, what is truth?  In Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21, the chapters where Jesus talks about the end times, his first warning to the church is "Be not decieved."  And in John 16, Jesus shares His provison and protection for us in sending the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth.

 None of us is so holy or descerning that we cannot be deceived. Even Adam and Eve, who walked with God in the garden, were deceived.  Where there is no absolute standard of truth, as in Judges "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes," destruction is sure to follow.  Jesus called Satan a liar and the fatrher of lies. The enemy is identified in Revelation the as one who decieves the whole world (Rev 12:9)  then in 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2 God explains "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  Love of the truth must be the dominant foundation of what we believe, so the "signs andf wonders" of the age doesn't lead us astray. 

 The point is unless you are consecrated to God, you aren't able to hear Him,  How many times did Jesus say he who has ears to hear, let him hear.  Hard times and deceiving persuasions are definitely coming, but Jesus said (to Pilate) "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."  So we need to pray that God give us anointing to be totally in, to love Him and His truth, and let the Holy Spirit lead us into truth.  God's Word is truth. Those who know their God will do great exploits, even in coming trials according to Daniel 11:32.  As you recall, Revelation 12:11 lists three things that overcome the enemy and his deception, 1) the blood of the Lamb, 2) the Word of our testimony, and 3) laying down our all, even if it costs us our lives. Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph. 

 Would you join me in praying? Father, today I choose to surrender afresh all that I am, my thoughts and desires to be set apart for you.  Give me a true love for the truth and establish my heart to trust you to keep me and lead me in triumph through the days ahead. Holy Spirit lead me into all truth and help me never be ashamed of the Lord Jesus and His Word.  Thank You for all you have done and all you will do to glorify Your name on the earth and forever.  

Sunday, May 2, 2021


 In Psalm 116 there is a verse, "Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."  This parallels the words of Jesus in Matthew 11, "Come to me all you who are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest." 

Our soul, of course, is the center of our thoughts, feelings, and choices.  The Word renews our mind with His thoughts, which are infinitely higher than our thoughts.  Our feelings are refocused by considering His heart and what is dear to Him.  Finally, our choices means laying down our fleshly desires and settling it that we are living to please Him.  There is a rest once we have settled it and our heart is fixed or established, that we "delight to do Your will, O God."  Naturally, the Holy Spirit waits for us to call on Him to help us experience this peace He gives in mind, emotions, and will.  1 Thess 5:23-24 summarizes this beautifully. Now may the God of peace Himself sancitfy you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ   He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.   

Jehovah Shalom, the Lord is our peace or rest, means more than the absence of turmoil.  Shalom describes a total wholeness, well-being, peace in all facets of inner being.  Jesus says in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, ...let not your hearts be troubled."   The foundation of the New covenant is "It is finshed."  God has done for us what no man could do, making us righteous - right with God,  We can look at this two ways, right or correct with God, and secondly, right with God as sitting beside Him.  When we are right with God, there is no fear or anxiety.  We can afford to rest. 

Hebrews 4 assures us of God's promise to enter the rest and "we who have believed do enter that rest."  There is even an almost contradictory command, "Strive to enter the rest."  So today, our prayer is that we ask and let the Holy Spirit restore us with His rest, in body, soul, and spirit, because of Who and What the Lord has done.  He has dealt bountifuly with us.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, You are worthy to be praised!

Today many in the Body of Christ are calling for fasting and prayer to deliver us (the church) from lukewarmness, so I am asking for the Lord to set me and those who I know from being complacent, rather than diligent is seeking and obeying Him.  We rest in being yielded to Him.