Hate evil and love righteousness. Fear not, only believe. Out of darkness, into the light. God is the master at removing the bad and releasing the good. He doesn't just forgive sin and its consequences; He transforms us into the very righteousness of God. The Lord's plan is beyond what we could think or ask. Jesus' death and resurrection took care of all sin, sickness, and death; sending the Holy Spirit to dwell in us allowed the very life of God to fill "all in all." No wonder the Word declares "You are the light of the world!"
Consider this truth in the Hebrews 6 foundation "doctrine of baptisms." Water baptism shuts the door on the old man who is buried with Christ, and gives us the momentum as we rise out of the water to have new life toward God. Now this new life is also powered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his believing disciples to wait for the promise of the Father, knowing the power of God will fill them when "you will be baptized in the Spirit."
Sometimes Christians tend to argue "I already have the Spirit when I accepted Jesus Christ." based on Scriptures like Romans 8:9. However, did you notice that the apostles who were filled with the Spirit in Acts 2, openly prayed for the Holy Spirit in Acts 4 to give them boldness to speak Your Word and for signs and wonders to be done. Likewise, Ephesians 5:17-18 declares that the will of the Lord is to be filled with the Spirit. This Greek verb is a present participle, meaning "constantly be being filled with the Spirit." This foundation truth is that man can do nothing for the Kingdom of God without the power of the Spirit. Maybe a better question than do you have the Spirit, is the reverse, "Does the Spirit have you?"
We were never meant to walk as Christians without the power of the Spirit. We know that the victorious life requires overcoming the flesh and our human thinking, which Romans 8:13 strongly suggests only happens by the Spirit's power, "For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." Even Jesus relied on the Spirit to do the Father's will, "Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God." Hebrews 9:14. You will never walk in victory over sin and the flesh without the power of the Spirit.
However, God not only wants you to win over sin, He wants you to be His witnesses and move in His power showing His infinite love. Jesus said we would do the works He did and greater ones! Our lives are to be a testimony to the world that Jesus Christ is alive, that He has defeated the powers of darkness, that His name is above every name, and that He has overcome all and reigns forever.
In Luke 11 after Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray, what we call the Lord's prayer, He reminds us that a father, even with fallen nature, will give his son bread, not a stone, fish, not a scorpion, when he asks. "How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" God is a perfect gentleman, He does not force us, but waits for us to desire and ask. The normal way of receiving the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles, after the day of Pentecost, was to lay hands and invite Him in. However, God is not servant to any method, but rather looks upon the heart.
Jesus promised He would not leave us orphans, but would send the Holy Spirit to "teach us all things, bring to our remembrance all things He has said to us, to testify and bear witness of Jesus, guide you into all truth, and tell you things to come." In other words, you are meant to be led by the Spirit, and the baptism of the Spirit is simply the decision to invite Him in and let Him have your heart. God waits to be gracious to you. A Spirit-filled life not only glorifies the Father, but also is the abundant life Jesus promised His followers would have.
Therefore, take the steps outlined in the foundation doctrines of Hebrews 6. Repent, believe, be water baptized, and receive the baptism of the Spirit so you can press on to maturity.
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