This should not surprise us if we hear the word of the prophets. Great servants of God such as Smith Wigglesworth, William J. Seymour, Maria Woodworth-Etter, David Wilkerson, Kenneth Hagin and a myriad of current prophets have declared that there would be a great move of God's Spirit, a third great awakening, in this critical period of history. Already great things are happening in many parts of the world. For example, one Middle East ministry reported that 30,000 Muslims are coming to Jesus Christ everyday. Other sources share that China now has the world's largest population of Christians, over 100 million, in spite of severe persecution. Revival fires have hit South America and parts of Africa. God promises that the knowledge of God will cover the whole earth. It is coming.
Two things are necessary for the church at this time. One, since Jesus warned that in the last days many will fall away, we need to make sure we know and stand on a sure foundation. The Holy Spirit is moving Christians to fresh anointing as they take time in prayer and the Word. The joy of our daily relationship with the Lord is our strength. A house built on the Rock will survive as the storms blow through.
Secondly, there is going to be a great move of God where the Word will be confirmed with healings, signs, and wonders. Several people have predicted stadiums filled with worship and preaching that will rock cities. Many will come to the Lord. However, unless someone begins to teach and disciple these converts in the faith, they will be like the seed that fell on the shallow ground, fading in the heat of the day. We need to have enough understanding of God's truth and plan to be able to instruct and nurture these new believers. .Follow me as I follow Christ.
Hear the Word of the Lord. Get on solid ground. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you strengthen your relationship with the Lord. Since having a sure foundation is paramount to standing and being available to change the lives of many, we will go through the foundation doctrines of Hebrews 6:1-3, Hebrews 11:6 and 2 timothy 2:19 in future posts. Laying the foundation allows us to mature, "if God permits."
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