Friday, July 31, 2020

Amen - Necessary to Receive the Promises

It is Finished.  Done,  Complete.  Jesus has accomplished it all. 

Clearly, Jesus accomplished His mission and as He declared "It is Finished" from the cross, He redeemed man from all the consequences of sin.  This substitutionary work, taking the death we deserved and giving us the righteousness of God, enables every person to pass from death to life, from condemnation to being right with God, from fallen human nature to sharing His divine nature forever.  Since all that is needed has already been done by Jesus Christ, what is the key to actually experiencing His complete victory in our lives now?

The key to walking in the fullness of all the Lord Jesus accomplished is in this verse. "For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through (by) us". 2 Corinthians 1:20  We will take a closer look at this key to see how to make it work.

Let's start with an example from the Old Testament.  Notice that when God instructed Joshua (1:3) to go over the Jordan and possess the promised land that I have given to you, the verb tense is past.  It was already given.  Yet Joshua still had to do something: "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given to you."  He had to literally walk on it to make it his.  

In the New Testament, our verse states that all the promises of God are "Yes" in Christ Jesus.  He accomplished what was needed to make every promise valid and effective.  2 Peter 1:3-4 further states that through these "exceedingly great and precious promises" we escape the corruptible fallen condition and "partake of the divine nature."  So clearly the provision of God that is already given is all the wonderful promises of God.  However, they are just promises and unfulfilled, if we passively just look at them.  Our key verse in 2 Corinthians 1 states that we add the "Amen."  Amen means "so let it be" or in other words, "it is established."  Amen is our agreement.  

We need to understand how to agree.  Let's start with the foundation.  First, many times we cry out to God and sort of beg Him to do something for us.  This is an insult to God's goodness and the finished work of Jesus.  It is finished.  God has already done everything to completely overcome every challenge of life.  Therefore, we are releasing His provision for some need rather than trying to pray and work hard enough to get God to give you something that you don't have.  He has paid it all.

Secondly, just as God told Joshua (Joshua 1:8) to be careful to do, to meditate on, and to speak His Word; we are to likewise think, speak, and act on what He has promised.  However, there are times each of us feels a little like the man who told Jesus, "I believe, but help my unbelief."  Yet God is faithful and He wants us to receive the promises more than we do.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.  Notice it doesn't matter who is speaking it, your ears will hear and your heart will receive it even if you say it!   Regardless of how you feel or how extreme the situation, God's Word works. Find the promise that applies to your area, and begin reflecting on God's goodness and mercy that has provided it for you.  Begin to speak it out loud every time you think of the situation.  Thank Him that it is done. The more negative thoughts come, the more you declare God's truth.  Let God be true and every man a liar. (Romans 3:4)  Here is the principle: Every promise that fits my situation and meets my need is for me now.Thank you, Jesus.

One more important point, our 2 Corinthians 1:20 verse ends "to the glory of God.": When we claim and receive the promises, it gives glory to God.  The same truth is found in John 15:7-8 "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified..."  Jesus is pleased to glorify the Father by having His finished work transform us.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you stand on and settle your "Amen" to His promise.  He will help you give glory to God by receiving what Jesus has done.  God honors those who believe He is and rewards those who diligently seek Him.  He who called you is faithful and He will do it.  Amen.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Better and Better Forever!

In college my dorm was about a mile from the local airport which, especially in difficult moments, inspired me to delight in the freedom and grace of the planes as they took-off and landed.  One night in a dream, I was next to the airport runway overwhelmed by the magnificence of these giant fortresses gently lifting off and settling in.  And the Lord spoke to me that this was a picture of life in Him, and what's even more, it would just get better and better forever!  

How does God in His Word describe the Christian life?  Consider some of the phrases such as "have life and life abundantly," "exceedingly abundantly above all we could think or imagine," "every spiritual blessing," "has given you everything you need for life and godliness," and  "filled with the fullness of God."  The Word declares amazing superlatives about God's gifts to us, such as in Ephesians 1:17-19, that God "may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead...

The Kingdom of God has come.  Obviously, His gift of salvation, which is defined as "being delivered from," sets us free from all the limitations and consequences of sin and welcomes us into His kingdom where we are able to "partake of divine life." (As 2 Peter 1:4 declares).  When we come to the Lord Jesus Christ, we become a new creation, "a new man which was  created according to God in true righteousness and holiness."  (Ephesians 4:24).  Even though our natural feelings and thinking may not grasp this truth, we have passed from death to life and our spirit man now shares the very nature and goodness of God,  Jesus told the devil that man lives not by bread alone, but by the Word of God, so we live now by His truth which sets us free, and enables us to be built up to receive the inheritance God prepared for us.  The ultimate gift of God is Himself, therefore, He desires and continually reveals His goodness to us so that He may become "All in all."  

God is so good.  That is more than an expression.  His nature and His gifts to us are a million times more than our fallen natural minds can perceive.  Whenever the disciples experienced "divine moments" in the life of Jesus, they were completely humbled and overwhelmed. Note Peter's reaction when they caught the two boat loads of fish, or when Jesus calmed the stormy sea, or when He was transfigured on the mount before their eyes.  Jesus walked in the flesh because He left His "divine-ness" in heaven (Philippians  2:6-7), but the Father confirmed He was His beloved Son.  And clearly now He enjoys "all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Colossians 2:9).  And the next verse says we are "complete in Him."  

Why then, do so many believers not seem to know or experience all the good God has given to us?
Focus with me on 2 Peter 1:2-4, "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him.  who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."  Let me break this down: 
1) This grace and peace comes through knowing God, having a relationship with Him.  2)  It is finished.  All things that pertain to life and godliness are already given (past tense). 3) The second time the word "knowledge" is used, it is a different Greek word than in verse 2, this word means "acknowledge" which suggests you ascribe and declare what God has revealed that He is.  4) The provision of God is in the promises, His exceedingly great and precious promises.  When the Israelites were given the promised land, Joshua was instructed "every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given to you."  In other words, what God has promised is already given, but we need to acknowledge it belongs to us, and stand firm on it, and hold on to the promise even when the world and the enemy tries to tell us differently.  We stand by believing in our heart and declaring with our lips until it comes to pass.  Faith and patience inherit the promises.

Continue hearing  His promises, open your heart to receive what the Word declares about your situation, declare this promise with confidence until you "see the salvation of God."  He always leads us in triumph and things are going to just get better and better forever!  In the name of Jesus, I agree with you.  (Let me know if there is anything specific that I can agree with you. Write in comments below or directly to

Monday, July 20, 2020

A Better Way to Die?

When I was a young boy and the cold war was predominate in the news, I dreamed of being lined up by the Communist firing squad and asked "Do you believe in God?"  To which I would say, "yes," and instantly be shot and die for the Lord.  However, it didn't happen.   Gradually God revealed to me that there is a better way to die for Him, and it is not a one time event.  He who loses his life for My sake will find it. 

 We "lose our life" every time we let go of our own thoughts, our emotions, and our wants. Usually this requires a sacrifice of our time and something we hold dear (consider Abraham laying down his own son on the altar).   Sometimes at funerals we use Scriptures like Psalm 115:16, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."  However, much more than when we physically die, it is precious in His sight each time we die to our own "rights" and selfish nature.  Seek to please Him first.  

God is infinitely pleased with every choice and action in which we deny ourselves and bless others.  The one who was faithful in investing the talents given is the one  to whom the master said, "Well done."   You will not lose your reward for even a cup of water!  In 1 Peter 3: 9 the Holy Spirit reminds us that we are called "to bless that we might receive the blessing."  Notice what Jesus points out in the parable of the sheep and the goats, "what you do to others, you do to Me." 

When we take time to draw near to God and begin worshipping Him, He inhabits our praises and allows His perfect love to fill our hearts and His truth to transform our minds, so our only honest response is to willingly lay down our life.  The meaning of worship is to bow down and freely give ourselves in service before the Almighty.  The Lord takes such great joy in seeing  us humbly lay down our life, that He gives grace and the fresh enabling power of the Spirit to do what He asks.  Romans 8:13 further promises, "If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh, you will live. 

Choose life.  Choose to die to the flesh.  Choose to surrender your thoughts, your emotions, and your wants in order to open up to His infinite thoughts, to have HIs heart and emotions, and to do His perfect will.  This is the better way to die: to lose your life, and find His life.  You are precious in God's sight each time you choose to die to yourself and live for Him. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Unless a seed falls to the ground

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. (Psalm 116:15)  This past weekend we were a part of the sorrow and joy of seeing one dear to the Lord go home.  There is an awesome-ness about this time, a special presence of God to comfort, to renew our tenderness of love, and to encourage each other.  The family invited me to share a key Scripture in their lives, Psalm 1, since turning from the world and choosing to meditate on the Word was the transforming strength of this man's life.  So with your permission I would like to use this post to reflect on the message God gave me to share. 

Good Morning.

It is my privilege to read Psalm 1, a key Scripture In Don’s life.    Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.  He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.  The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.  Therefore, the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.  For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Let me start by saying the truth, in spite of all the good things that I or others could say about Don, he was not perfect.  He would be the first to tell you that Jesus, through His death and resurrection, forgave him and made him a new creation.  God clearly worked in and through him to touch others, so may the Lord be glorified in all that is shared today. 

1)  Dee and I and our family wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for the love and support of Don and Carol Dejno. We thank God for you and your faith in us.  Many of you here today probably would say the same, you wouldn't be where you are if it weren't for Don.  Would you join me in saying, "Thank you Jesus for this man."

2) Don is a testimony to what God does when someone believes the Word of God.  When he first started the trucking business, he would spend long hours on the road reflecting on the principles of Proverbs, trusting that God honors those who seek to practice His wisdom.  He was a man of the Word.

3) Knowing Don’s heart, He surely agrees with the word in 3 John, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.  So children, grandchildren, and all you who love him, you honor Don when you choose to walk in the truth. 

4) Lastly, I know a little about heaven and being in the presence of God. A 23-year old man from Atlanta died last year, and on coming back was asked what it was like to be in the Lord's presence.  God's perfect love was so overwhelming and beyond words, all he could say to describe it was that everything in him was "satisfied."  Don, at this moment, is in the glorious presence of God and every thought, emotion, and desire is completely satisfied.  Don, will be the first cheerleader to rejoice with you and me, and welcome us home when our life here is complete.  Nothing will replace the joy of being together again in God’s presence forever!

So let's pray, "Holy Spirit, would You move on every heart and open our eyes to see Jesus, and to know the joy set before us, so each one will faithfully walk in His ways until we are safely home.   As we have been blessed by what You did in and through Don, would you give me (us) a double portion, so You can carry on the good work that You have begun in building Your kingdom.  Praise God forever! 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Let Him Who Has Ears to Hear...

This week we had a principal from North Carolina share a prophetic prayer she felt led to pray over CedarWood, our Christian school. We were strongly encouraged by her sending it to us and amazed how God has people in the Body ready to pray for others when called upon.  It reminded me to "listen" for people or situations that He wants me to pray for, which led me to reflect on the somewhat disturbing words of Jesus, "Let him who has ears to hear, hear."  It is our choice.

It seems to me with the myriad of voices and the many conflicting opinions shared in the world, we are trained to take everything with a grain of salt, and simply become "dull of hearing."  Unfortunately, that attitude easily transfers to the way we receive God's Word or the Spirit's promptings. The point is that God's Word is sure, and when the Holy Spirit speaks we need to be like Peter, in Luke 5:5, who after fishing all night thought that fishing during the middle of the day was ridiculous, said, "but at Your Word." and did it.  Obedience always brings results. 
One of my favorite short verses is Romans 3:4 which essentially says "let God be true and every man a liar."  Sometimes that liar is me.  When I start doubting God's promptings because it doesn't make sense to me or I don't feel like doing it, I have to remind myself that my thoughts are not His thoughts and my ways are not His ways.  

The Word describes David, as a man after God's own heart, who will do all my will (Acts 13:22)  The more we want to please God, the easier it will be to do what He asks.  Having a willingness to do whatever God asks, makes a huge difference in discerning whether the "nudge" is really from God.  Jesus established this principle at the Feast of Tabernacles when He declared, "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority. "
My sheep know My voice.  David, in Psalm 85, states his choice, "I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to HIs people."  Yet why do the vast majority of Christians say God doesn't speak to them?  Here is the dilemma, our flesh says I don't hear God and our spirit says He calls and I follow Him because I know His voice.  Whose report will you believe?  If you do choose to "hear," then take time to be still before Him, to read and agree with the truth of His Word, and to set your will to obey the next prompting that the Holy Spirit gives you.  Write it down so you don't quickly forget it.  Then simply do or receive the word He gives.  Thank Him for speaking to you.  As you willingly are faithful to do the little things such as encourage a coworker, pick up a mess, or let someone know Jesus loves them, to your delight you will become more aware of His leading and have a greater desire to quickly obey next time.  Your faculties are trained by practice to distinguish between good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).  Life becomes an adventure as you see God confirm His Word with signs following.  

God's invitation remains, "Let him who has ears to hear, hear."  It is time to be like Jesus who declared He only said what He heard the Father say, and did what He saw the Father do.  1 John 4:17 says "as He is so are we in this world." We are going to see the Holy Spirit move and accomplish great things, in and through us, as we likewise choose to hear and obey.  

If you are serious, may I suggest a simple prayer.   Holy Spirit, open my heart and mind to receive Your Word and know your voice.  I choose to hear.  I am willing to do Your will and I trust You to lead me into all truth as I hear and obey Your voice.  Help me be faithful in the next thing you speak to me.  I trust You to cause me "to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think, according to the power that works in me." (Ephesians 3:20-21) Glory to God Forever!