Monday, April 5, 2010

Humanism versus the God-directed Lifestyle

God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to save sinners and to transform them into new creations, becoming sons of God. Yet the question is for what reason does a person turn to God and receive the forgiveness that Jesus purchased by His blood on the cross. Does one accept Jesus Christ as Lord so he will have a better life and enjoy eternal happiness or is there a better reason?
Humanism, by its very nature, is centered on man, his efforts, his needs, and his happiness. It is natural for human nature to focus on his own thoughts, feelings, wants, and pleasures. This truth is shown quite openly in the expression, “Look out for number one.”
The problem is that man’s human nature has been corrupted through sin. It doesn’t take long for even a baby to demand his own way or a young child to quickly declare “mine” to whatever he desires. Much advertising plays on how vulnerable man is to satisfying his wants, to feeling important, or to gaining the attention of the opposite sex. Man lives for the satisfying of his human nature and its needs and wants. This way of thinking leaves man always wanting more and never being satisfied. There is a reason that Proverbs points out that the way that seems right to man leads to death.
In the book of Jude, the word tells us to contend for the faith. Is it possible that humanism has crept into the church, and even into the way we present the Gospel? Do we “advertise” accepting Jesus so that man can have his needs met and be happy? Are we suggesting that man’s desires are the motivation to get saved?
Let the word of God suggest another perspective: God. He is the almighty infinite being who has demonstrated ultimate love in being pleased to let Jesus be crucified in our place. Rather than destroy man for killing His son, God actually invites man to receive the substitution gift that Jesus took the punishment for him. Truly this kind of merciful God is worthy of all service and praise.
The primary reason for accepting the saving work of Jesus Christ and making Him “lord” or “ruler” of his life is because man has offended an infinite holy God and now recognizes that Jesus deserves to have the reward of His sufferings. Man’s new purpose in life is to glorify God rather than live for himself. Paul states “He [Jesus] died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again” in 2 Corinthians 5:15. Man is not only “born again” as a ”new creation” but now lives by the power of the Holy Spirit to offer his life for the glory of God.
The satisfying of human wants will ultimately fail. One cannot serve God by living for his own satisfaction. No matter what man does, there will always be criticism and someone who doesn’t appreciate it. Human wants or what the Bible calls “flesh” will conflict with the spiritual direction of what God desires. Only a deliberate purpose of living to please God will prove to provide the motivation and the persevering power to overcome to the end.
In short, even Christianity and its life-giving principles depends on man’s choice to focus on doing all things to please God rather than expecting God to be his servant and always meet his wants. God does promise that if man seeks Him first, all those needs will be met. God is a loving father who knows that the only way man will enjoy peace and joy is to repent from selfish human nature and to accept by faith the power of the Christ-filled life and the "yoke" of living to glorify God. Man chooses to be a bond-servant of Jesus Christ because God is worthy.

1 comment:

  1. Questions: Is there any verse in the Bible that some churches can use to say that God gives you what you want or will make you happy? Is that why so many people leave? Because they don't get their fleshly desires. If God supplies all our needs then why are so many christian so poor? Can't we just pray and ask earnestly and he will give us enough money?
