Sunday, October 25, 2009

You Get What You Plant!

Human nature has an almost-magnetic pull toward thinking we can get away with anything. It also likes to follow the path of least resistance, doing only what it has to. We seem to think that we can do what we want and have no consequences. Our flesh thinks we can eat fattening deserts, drive over the speed limit, watch hours of TV, listen to music with vile lyrics, look at pornographic pictures, entertain negative thoughts, and still expect to have everything go perfectly.
Jesus disagrees. Galatians 6:7 starts out with “Be not deceived,”as it proceeds to declare the eternal principle of sowing and reaping. Why would God say that first? From the beginning He makes it clear that this principle is the opposite of what our flesh so easily rationalizes as acceptable truth. We cannot get away with anything and we will surely reap consequences or results from everything we sow. Every thought and action produces something.
Even though this Scripture about sowing and reaping is commonly used as an incentive in financial giving, the overall nature of the principle is whether we sow to the flesh or sow to the Spirit. Sowing to the flesh simply means doing whatever our mind or flesh wants, according to Ephesians 2:3. In Proverbs Solomon reminds us that “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—so shall poverty come on you like a prowler.” In other words, being lazy will surely lead to lack.
Jesus instructs us, rather, to sow to the Spirit by obeying His leading. Romans 8 promises that those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God. Jesus himself demonstrates this principle saying I must work while it is day, because night comes when no man can work. We only have the window of this lifetime to sow good seed. Jesus at times was so busy teaching and meeting people’s needs that he didn’t have time to rest or even to take a lunch break.
Our flesh looks for a life that is comfortable and convenient. God invites us to rather spend ourselves freely to serve Him and others, promising eternal fruit. Do we believe Him enough to change our perspective from what do I have to do to what can I do today?
Holy Spirit, lead me today in specific things that I can do to sow good seed, because I believe the truth that whatever I plant is what I shall receive.


  1. I agree in that it is so very easy to feed our flesh. It is like the scenario described by Rick in that there were two dogs inside of him-a white dog and a black dog. They were constantly fighting. The one that won was the one he fed the most. In the same way, I believe that if we feed our spirit constantly rather than allowing other things to take up our time, it would be much easier for us to resist the temptations of the flesh.
    I also think that it is extremely hard to look beyond human nature and its natural selfishness. But when you come to a decision between feeding your flesh or your spirit, there is always a better and more fulfilling alternative to feeding your flesh. I think that it takes a lot of boldness and humility to make those decisions. But I also think that the hardest part is the first step and declaring that you will feed you spirit instead of your flesh. But I have no doubt that after that God will confirm in some way that you made the right decision.
    I also like that you talked about perspective. How it’s not about what we have to do today but what we can do today. That’s something that I personal really need to work on. I think that changing your perspective mainly involves putting down your pride and bringing up your understanding and knowledge of Christ.

  2. Amen, Brother!! "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." (Rom. 13:14).
