Today is the day of the Lord. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they did not know the day of their visitation. Do not miss what He is doing. Take time to humbly seek Him and let Him search your heart. Be obedient to whatever God leads you to do. He desires to pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and to revive the hearts of the humble and contrite. Come into His presence with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, and humbly allow Him to lead you into repentance and forgiveness. You will experience the fresh joy of His salvation (being whole) and His glorious presence. Now is the acceptable time.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Whom Does God Revive?
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Fire is Breaking Out!
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Know You are Chosen
Yes, many are called but few are chosen. How do we move from being called into knowing we are chosen? The dictionary gives the definition of chosen as "having been selected as the best or most appropriate." My suggestion is that Jesus has set the criteria to know.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Jehovah Nissi - You Have Done It!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you today, because of what the Lord has done.
Yet in real life it doesn't always seem that way. David had similar problems. Psalm 52 starts rather negative as it describes the heart and attitude of Doeg the Edomite who betrayed David and killed Ahimelech and the priests of Nob. "You love evil more than good, falsehood more that speaking what is right. You love words that devour." Evil always boasts of the destruction it can do, but God...
Thanks be to God who clearly has the perfect plan to "break you (evil) down forever," according to verse 5, and of course, complete eradication of evil in Revelation. God is not mocked. Love and Truth, Jesus Christ, has overcome all.