One of the devastating effects of the fall of mankind is that we focus on the trivial and miss the major issue. I have always thought that if we realized how important and crucial it is for each person to accept what Jesus has done for us, the message would be on the front page of every newspaper and email.
Unfortunately, just as Santa Claus and gifts get primary focus at Christmas, people try to emphasize colored eggs, pretty Easter outfits, and the infamous Easter bunny, rather than the awesome love of the Lamb of God who willingly suffered and shed His blood to save us.
Guess we should not be surprised. Several key passages in Scripture speak of the Satanic enemy as deceiving the nations of the world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 reveals that the god of this world has blinded the minds of men from seeing the light of the Gospel. Likewise, 1 Peter 5 declares he is a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. If he can decieve people into thinking life is about trivial things, or even become foolish enough to trust our human reasoning to conclude there is no God and no consequences for violating God's rules, he can claim one for which Jesus died out of His infinite love.
However, God is not mocked. He knows our frame, that we came from dust, so He has not left us helpless. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, Satan was defeated once and for all. God's infinite love is so great that
the very act of man (inspired by Satan) to kill His Son is the very act by
which Jesus rightfully is able to rescue all men for God. If God can turn
the worst thing man has done into victory, then God can surely works all things
for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
(Romans 8:28) He can overcome all the temptations and distractions that the enemy presents.
Secondly, Jesus promised He would not leave us orphans, but would send the Comforter, the Paraclete (One who pleads for us), to guide us into all truth. The Spirit bears witness to Jesus, brings things to our remembrance that Jesus taught, and opens our hearts to cry "Abba Father." We are the most blessed (Psalm 21:6) who know the joy and strength of our relationship with God.
Through the Word of God, the authority given to us in the name of Jesus, and the spiritual armor provided, we can resist the enemy who then has to flee. "They overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death." Revelation 12:11 God invites us to embrace the Lamb, choose life in Him, and live according to the perfect law of liberty of His Word. So please, ignore the bunny, focus on the Lamb. Rejoice forevermore.