Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all, according to Psalm 34:19.  It doesn't take long to realize that the spiritual battle is real, and right here now.  Paul describes the inner spiritual conflict in Romans 7, and the truth about the battle not being flesh, but spiritual in Ephesians 6.   Everyone who desires to overcome has to learn how to let God fight for them to win.  Faith overcomes the world because it depends upon the victory of the Lord Jesus.  On one hand He "trains our hands for war" and on the other hand, having done all in the armor of God (Ephesians 6), we stand until the Lord "perfects, establishes, and strengthens you." (1 Peter 5:10)  Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph. 

There will always be trials, until the Lord returns.  James, in chapter 1, tells us to count it all joy when trials come.    1 Peter reminds us that it is through trials that we grow in patience, which complete work is to perfect us to lack nothing.  Faith and patience inherit the promises.  What the enemy meant for evil, Joseph declares, "God uses for good."   

Focus is everything.  Romans 8 strongly encourages us to not set our mind on the flesh which cannot please God, but rather to set it on the spirit which is life and peace.  Not every thought or feeling needs to be entertained or expressed.  We can choose to think about what is true, just, pure, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy according to Philippians 4:7-8.  We can give thanks in all circumstances because no weapon formed against us will prosper.  Jesus, in His mock trial before the Pharisees and then Pilate, knew when to stay quiet and when to speak.  Likewise, in Psalm 38, David also reinforces this truth, "But I, like a deaf man, hear not; and I am like a dumb man who opens not his mouth," with the explanation, "For in You, O Lord, do I hope.  You will answer, O Lord my God." 

We don't belong to the world and do not have to cater to its demands.  Paul confessed that he gloried in "the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world."  Our life is hidden in Christ and the world cannot steal our peace and joy.  We win by staying in the spirit and trusting in the overcoming power available to us through Jesus' death and resurrection.  

It is finished. The battle is won. One of the exciting and encouraging effects of reading Revelation is seeing the dominion and power of the Lord Jesus rightly applied to all who reject His leadership.  The sounding of the seventh trumpet of the seventh angel declares that "the mystery of God would be finished."  The kingdoms of the earth have become the kingdoms of our Lord.  We are united with the Lord Jesus to reign with Him forever. 

We only see this total victory by faith now.  Hebrews 2:8-9 points out that all things and powers are subject to Him, but we don't see that now.  But we see Jesus.  The work of God according to John 6:29 is to believe in Him who He sent, in other words, believe the authority and victory of the Lord Jesus is complete to redeem all mankind.  Lets personalize that last comment, to make me overcome every trial.  We fight the good fight of faith by acknowledging Jesus' triumph and refusing to abdicate the incredible glory and honor He has given to us, to be one with Him in this complete victory.   Praise God forever, He is worthy!  


Monday, February 15, 2021

Well done, good and faithful servant!

At school this week our K through 3rd graders stood with poise, and with expression, as they presented their pieces at the all school speech meet.  Just as I deliberately spoke to each one by name, "Josiah, well done good and faithful servant," the day is coming when we will stand before the Lord Jesus, King of Kings, who will direct these powerful words to you and all who serve Him.  My goal clearly was to plant a seed within each one to seek that glorious moment when Jesus honors their Christian work.  

The Holy Spirit is emphasizing today the study of the book of Revelation because it is not too early to have a solid understanding of the greatest move of God where He establishes His Kingdom of love on the earth.  Christians who grasp the revealed biblical plan are not afraid, but rather are filled with boldness, confidence, and love. God is calling His people to prepare, not physically with food or guns, but spiritually so we are not "children shaken by every wind of doctrine" or threats to are well-being.  

The 7th seal releases the 7 trumpet judgments which are an effective attack on the evil antichrist empire.  We repeat, it is not an attack on believers.  At the onset the prayers of the saints are united with the incense or prayers of heaven from the golden altar, which further demonstrates Jesus' desire for partnership with His body in all He does.     

All heaven is overwhelmed into silence by the glorious and terrifying judgments coming to the earth.  Glorious, not only because it will effectively stop all injustice, but also because it describes the defeat and destruction of the greatest oppressor through out all history, the anti-Christ.  

God is the master of giving us fore-types of what will happen through prior events in Old Testament. The first five judgments parallel the plagues of Egypt that Moses called down.  Upon entering the promised land, Joshua blew the 7th trumpet to bring about the destruction of the great city Jericho.  Micah 7:15-16 declares that greater miracles than the wonders that happened in Egypt will occur in the God's deliverance of His people, which will cause the nations to be ashamed of their might and fear the living God.    

Rather than just a book of information, the plan and sequence of judgments will become a prayer manual for the praying church to step by step agree with God and call forth the judgments which will severely hinder the resources and control of the anti-Christ.  This will be the church's finest hour. Not only do we not want to just be gone, we will be used mightily by God and be the greatest source of warning, stability, and peace to unbelievers who are in chaos wondering what is going on.  As Daniel 11:33 declares, those who understand will instruct many, even at the cost of their lives.  

Some people dread the book of Revelation because of the fear of persecution.  Yes, there is persecution, but only 12 verses out of the 400 verses speak of persecution. The overwhelming theme is preparing the earth for the coming and majestic reign of the Lord Jesus, and the perfection of all He has planned for mankind.  The presence and perfect love of Christ casts out fear, even of persecution, and the privilege and honor of glorifying Him will be paramount in all believers.  

Scripture also gives us information about the use of trumpets.  In Numbers, the trumpet was both a warning to prepare for battle and a call for the congregation to come together.  We see both these features in the seven trumpets.  The church will rise to stand in the full armor and authority of Jesus Christ and do great exploits, even greater things that Jesus promised to those who believe.  It will be the greatest uniting of Christians into the oneness and maturity of character suitable to be a bride for the Lord Jesus.  What a glorious day!      

Saturday, February 6, 2021

In Darkness Come to the Light

 One of the most depressing truths about human nature is our pride.  John 3:16-19 reveals Jesus came to save the world so that we don't perish, but men loved darkness -- their evil deeds -- and refused to come to the light.  Jesus didn't come to judge, but to save and yet men will choose to be separated from God and His goodness FOREVER rather than humble ourselves and admit we need His forgiveness. 

In our walk through of Revelation, chapters 8 and 9, we see God seals the tribes of Israel and has a multitude of people from every nation and tongue rejoicing before His throne that salvation belongs to the Lord.  There is and always has been a divine seal and protection over His people.  Instead of being fearful and defeated, the people of God rejoice greatly to see the perfect plan of God and declare "blessing and glory and wisdom, thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever."  Just as a policeman by the road may incite fear in every heart, those who are driving the speed limit can have peace.   

At the opening of the seventh seal, the magnificent masterplan of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth brings overwhelming awe and speechlessness from all of heaven.  All the prayers of the saints, who throughout the ages cried out for God's justice and praised His goodness, were mingled with the coals on heaven's fire to yield a pleasing incense before the throne.  The harvest is ripe and God's unstoppable power and majesty are to be shown. The seven angels with the seven trumpets are ready and this dramatic climax begins.  

Unlike the more "natural" events of the first six seals, this final seal releases significant supernatural consequences.  Hail and fire, mingled with blood destroy a third of trees and grass.  A mountain on fire hits the ocean turning a third of the sea into blood.  A burning star from heaven turns a third of the rivers and springs of water into a bitterness that kills many. The fourth trumpet sounds and a third of the sun, moon, and stars are darkened.  Amazingly, just as Goshen was still in the light when all Egypt was darkened, the camp of the saints will continue to be unaffected.  What a call to "Wake up and repent!"

Even the angels know and declare that the 3 remaining trumpets bring woe to those on the earth.   The angel opens the bottomless pit releasing a horde of supernatural locusts that inflict great scorpion-like torment to those who do not have the seal of God, with such pain that they wish they could die.  Following this, the next angel releases the supernatural beings held by the Euphrates river with their two million army that kill one-third of earth.

At this point, the heart of God, in the midst of these judgments, is revealed.  The purpose of all these catastrophic events was to open the hearts of men to repent, but unfortunately many did not repent of their murders, their sorceries, their sexual immorality, or thefts. 

God has planted something deep inside of each of us that desires all thing to be right, and to execute His promise that all will reap what they have sown.  As the body of Christ matures and hears the voice of God, the united Church will stand with Jesus calling forth the revealed judgments of Revelation so His purpose can be fulfilled.  Thy kingdom come! Yet God is merciful and even in the midst of judgment longs for all to receive what Jesus has done on the cross.  What a beautiful picture to show us the heart of God.  Count if joy when trials come that we may be perfect lacking nothing.