Recently, at the passing of a dear friend who seemingly died before her time, the comment was made that a full life isn't how many years you live, but rather whether you accomplished your mission, your purpose. Someone joked that he was so far behind in completing his mission that he would have to live past 90 just to get everything done.
Yet finding one's purpose and fulfilling our calling is not a laughing matter or something that always seems well-defined. Most of us just go through life simply doing the necessary practical things, making a living, handling the demands of family and work, while our emotional needs may be satisfied with common pleasures of body appetites and whatever the sports and entertainment venues can provide. However, there is little serious consideration of the real meaning or purpose of our lives. Once in a awhile, on various occasions such as a death or birth, we may stop and reflect on what life really is and why we are here. Usually these passing thoughts only cause temporary change of direction, much like the New Year's resolutions that are so easy to make and break.
May I ask "What will be said about you at your funeral?" What would you like to have said and for what would you like to be remembered? Clearly more important, what does God see and what will He say to you. Before we can answer this, we may need to consider God's perspective.
From the beginning God wanted to walk with man and be his close friend. He has given each of us certain unique qualities and specific abilities to accomplish the "good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10) God knows our calling and purpose and is more than able to accomplish in us and through us what He desires to do. Life is designed to be a partnership, a walking together, and depending on Him until He is "all in all" to accomplish this assignment. Have you imagined what it would be like if today Jesus simply walked with you, in your basic relationships, in your time at work, in the basic decisions you make with your time and energy, and in the thoughts of your heart?
It is never too late to open up more to Jesus, or to let His shed blood clean you up and make you "new." God's love supersedes everything that you have ever done or that has ever happened to you. Isaiah declares He is waiting to show mercy to you. The big things such as life calling and purpose only unfold when the small steps of inviting the Lord to permeate your mind and heart in the little things happens. Then the light will dawn and get brighter and brighter.
You can't change what you have done or what has occurred, but you can be with the Lord Jesus right now. He is "I Am." You can obey the next thing that you perceive His Spirit is impressing on you to do. You can sense that He is not only with you but also that He is pleased with you. You can pour out your heart and concerns to Him and let Him be the motivation and strength to do the difficult thing. The primary purpose of your life is to be with Him and to let Him "own or rule" you. From this relationship the overall mission or purpose will be clear and unfold easily.
Then when the time comes to go home, you will have accomplished your mission. Your mind and heart will rest as Paul did, declaring "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
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