Man was created in the image and likeness of God. Hebrews states man was crowned with glory and honor. Unfortunately, everyone knows man fell from his original position through disobedience. However, the good news is that Jesus, according to Luke 19:10, came to restore that which was lost. Notice the verse does not say "those" but "that," and "which" rather than "whom." While it is true Jesus did come to save sinners, this verse declares Jesus came to restore the majestic presence of God, the very glory of God, that man lost through sin.
Jesus is the most amazing character, so beyond human description, in taking the very worst human event and turning it into the most incredibly wonderful thing that could happen to man. What could be worse than his own precious creation, the very ones whom He came to earth to make acceptable to be with Him forever in glory, for them to not only reject His message but brutally mock, torture, and kill Him? Yet the awesome love of God turns this disgraceful act into the ultimate sacrifice that cleanses men of their evil. Only God could pull off such a reversal of blame and willingly pay the price to transform all who receive it. Yet His plan goes even beyond this.
God's way is perfect. He not only wants to take off the old "flat tire" of fallen human nature but also put on a "brand new tire" of His glorious nature. His blood takes away sin and the foundational sinful nature while His Spirit completes the process by powerfully transforming the heart and nature of man into partaking of the divine nature, becoming like Jesus Himself. This plan is so absolutely wonderful that the mind of man cannot perceive it.
Our relationship with God isn't meant to be one where we are somehow deemed acceptable to God even though our inner desires and attitudes remain unchanged. Rather man is redeemed from the consequences of sin and then allowed to experience the very presence of God which powerfully converts those who have been rescued into new creatures, going from glory to glory. In Ezekiel 47 the picture of a clear river flowing from the temple of God completely changes and gives life to everything it touches.
The goal of the coming school year, "Glory On," is a declaration of God's desire and plan of accomplishing His glorious goal for us. As we draw near and seek His glorious presence, He will draw near to us and cause His life and glory to come on us and radically transform everything about us, glory to glory, until we reflect His very being.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
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