A little child turns to her daddy and asks "What does God look like?" Not only is this a good question, but finding the answer is a worthy lifelong pursuit for everyone of us. Unfortunately, often the cares and struggles of life can distract and steal that child-like hunger to know God.
God is so good, and His love for each one of us is so awesome, that even a small revelation of His character will make a major difference in how we look at ourselves and at life.
The truth is that most people have a very limited view or understanding of what God is really like. Yet great Christian writers like A. W. Tozer point out that there is a direct correlation between how well we know God (as He really is) and our moral practices and inward attitudes. Our current moral depravity only demonstrates how far we have come from an active knowledge and respect for God.
So the obvious question is how do we get to know God. In Matthew 11, Jesus points out that no one knows the Father except the Son and no one knows the Son except the Father and those whom He chooses to reveal Him. To whom does He choose to reveal Him? The best answer is to those who really want to know Him and take the time to seek Him. All of life and its challenges are opportunities to discover how great and complete God is, whether it is provision, healing, peace in the storms of life, direction in hard places, or forgiveness when you need it. God never changes. The same God who answers these needs continues to show Himself to those who are open. Likewise, the Word of God is meant to "line by line" reveal His nature and heart.
So return to your child-like heart and start looking for God. Ask Him to give you "wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him" (Ephesians 1:17) every morning and expect God, who desires to have fellowship with you, to breakthrough in big and little ways. He is faithful.
God is so good, and His love for each one of us is so awesome, that even a small revelation of His character will make a major difference in how we look at ourselves and at life.
The truth is that most people have a very limited view or understanding of what God is really like. Yet great Christian writers like A. W. Tozer point out that there is a direct correlation between how well we know God (as He really is) and our moral practices and inward attitudes. Our current moral depravity only demonstrates how far we have come from an active knowledge and respect for God.
So the obvious question is how do we get to know God. In Matthew 11, Jesus points out that no one knows the Father except the Son and no one knows the Son except the Father and those whom He chooses to reveal Him. To whom does He choose to reveal Him? The best answer is to those who really want to know Him and take the time to seek Him. All of life and its challenges are opportunities to discover how great and complete God is, whether it is provision, healing, peace in the storms of life, direction in hard places, or forgiveness when you need it. God never changes. The same God who answers these needs continues to show Himself to those who are open. Likewise, the Word of God is meant to "line by line" reveal His nature and heart.
So return to your child-like heart and start looking for God. Ask Him to give you "wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him" (Ephesians 1:17) every morning and expect God, who desires to have fellowship with you, to breakthrough in big and little ways. He is faithful.